Chapter 2

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(3rd person POV)

Some time has passed after Kenichi's "loss" over Daimonji and him quitting the karate club, but the worst part of this is that now Tsukuba the top guy in the karate club wants to test Kenichi skills, however Miu told him of a method that can help him become stronger over a short period of time as she gave him only one warning. "The chances of you surviving are unlikely"

Kenichi was currently on his bed looking at the "map" Miu gave him.

Kenichi was currently on his bed looking at the "map" Miu gave him

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(Looks like something Rukia would draw)

Honoka: Brother! You've sighing a lot lately. If something is troubling you, I'm here for you

Kenichi: Everything's alright...can you decipher this?

Honoka: What the! This is a girl's hand writing!

And so, Kenichi and Honoka managed to decipher the map Miu made, now Kenichi is on his way to the place the map indicated, but when he finally arrived at the place he just stood there questioning if that was really the place.

Kenichi: I've gotten this far, there's no reason to be scared!

Kenichi started to push the door in an attempt to open it, but it didn't move as then out of nowhere someone pushed the door with only one finger as Kenichi fell to the ground, when he looked up he saw a tall old man with long hair and beard.

Old man: What business brings you here, young one? To our Ryozanpaku!

Kenichi: I...well...actually...I'm sorry! I came to the wrong place!

Kenichi started to run away but collided with the same old man and fell to the ground again

Old man: Returning so soon?

Kenichi: By any chance, are you a master of martial arts?

Old man: Hoho, I might not exactly an expert, but ever since my days of youth, I've never lost a single fight

The Strongest Kure (History's Strongest Disciple x Kure Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora