Chapter 8- Furinji Island and Y/N vs Yuzaki

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A few days passed after Y/N's date with Miu that went really well even with the whole delinquent problem since both of them had lots of fun.

Right now Kenichi was in front of Koetsuji and Y/N with a serious look in his eyes.

Kenichi: Koetsuji sensei, Y/N! Your disciple Kenichi, places his life on this request! Please give me a vacation

Koetsuji: ......Why?

Y/N just snorted at Koetsuji's response trying to hold his laugh.

Kenichi: I want to rest, damnit! The reason doesn't matter! It's already been 3 weeks without a single rest!

Koetsuji: Hmmm. Okay

Kenichi: Ah, That's what I thought...I didn't really expect to- WAIT, WHAT?!

Koetsuji: You only love the summer of your first year of higschool once. I'm not that cruel.

Y/N: How about we all go to a seaside resort?

Kenichi: Sensei! Y/N! Thanks you!!

Kenichi went to tell Miu as Y/N followed behind him. Miu had her new necklace on and she was now rarely seen without it since the day Y/N gave it to her.

Miu: What? The beach?

Kenichi: Yeah! He said the beach! All of us together!

Miu: Then I better buy a new bikini. The one from last year is already quite tight

Kenichi had a small nose bleed that Y/N noticed as he grabbed him by the head and started to drag him to another room

Kenichi: W-wait! Y/N! Where are we going?!

Y/N: Sparring...

Kenichi: B-but we already did sparring! S-stop it! My head's gonna burst!!!

(Small timeskip)

Honoka: Wow, look at that! Those are seagulls! It's the first time I've seen them for real!

Then Shigure appeared twirling a chain

Shigure: Want to eat one?

Honoka: Nooo!

Y/N then stopped Shigure from trying to capture and eat the poor seagulls.

Honoka: Looks like the dojo Apachai and the rest of you have is surprisingly rich considering its outdated appearance. I mean it has its own boat!

Hayato: Hahaha, that's not really the case

Koetsuji: True, since its a product of the dojo.

Honoka: You built this boat?! won't sink right?

Hayato: It's fine. We've gone to the island safely many times using the red rabbit mark 2

Honoka: If its the mark 2, what happened to mark 1?

Both of them just nervously avoided the question as Y/N exactly knew what happened and sweatdroped at the memory.

Hayato: Full starboard!

Koetsuji: The boat's speed seems to be lacking. I'll go take a look at the engine, Sir!

Koetsuji and Y/N went to see the engines that happened to be Kenichi pedaling on a bike that is connected to the propellers, he was also comically wrapped in bandages due to Y/N's earlier sparring

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