Chapter 9- The Eight Fists of Ragnarok

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All the Masters except Shigure were reunited in one of the rooms talking about Kenichi's progress and his training.

Koetsuji: I think it's time to teach him the "Main techniques", what do you guys think?

Kensei: I agree with you, It's a bit of a difficult training, but we should be getting started.

Y/N: Well, I started with techniques some time ago, he's still bad at using the redirection Kata. But, he's having good progress with the flame Kata.

Apachai: Maybe he's doing well because he tries to run away when you get mad!

Y/N: might be right there, Apachai...

Sakaki: We shouldn't make things go too far, he's not a martial arts Genius. If we exceed what he can handle, the kid might die.

(Small timeskip)

Y/N: So yeah, we were discussing about your training

Y/N was on the dojo talking to Kenichi while studying his movements closely, he had a bokken resting in his shoulder which he was using to smack Kenichi everytime he did something wrong.

Kenichi was trying to learn a technique from the flame kata, Flashfire, A movement that flickers like a flame, and confuses the enemy. This technique is able to confuse the enemy by making them see multiple copies of the user due to the fast movements.

Y/N: Remember, don't lose focus, not even for a second.

Kenichi: Got it, Y/N!

Kenichi started again but in one movement he lost focus and tripped making him stop, he started to sweat while slowly looking at Y/N's direction.

Kenichi: Hey...

Y/N Didn't Say anything and lifted the bokken in the air as Kenichi started to run around the room, Y/N following behind him

Kenichi: Wait! Wait! I already got hit a lot! Please spare me this time, Y/N!

Y/N: If I'm not harsh, then you will not learn!

(Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Kenichi escaping from Y/N)

At school Kenichi was at the gardening club along with Izumi, as they were talking and watering the plants, Takeda passed near as he greeted Kenichi.

Takeda: Yo! Kenichi!

Kenichi: Takeda! How are you doing?

Takeda: I'm doing fine, now that my left arm's been revived I joined the school's boxing club.

Kenichi: So it didn't happen...the deserter's lynching?

Takeda: It seems Ragnarok's pretty busy nowadays with some internal matters. My former superior, Kisara, got promoted...and I think even Tsuji doesn't have the luxury to get distracted.

Kenichi: Ah, so you're alright for now. If something happens then...I'll fight for you!

Takeda: Hahaha! Thanks for your thoughts. It's ok, I'll take care of myself! I'll be running along now, say hello to that awesome little fighter honey for me!

Kenichi: Honey...?

Izumi: Little fighter...?

As Takeda left Kenichi sighed and went back to watering the plants until he Saw Haruo and Y/N below him being hit by the water.

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