Chapter Thirty-Four: They Want To Meet You. Pronto.

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Then Carter and I's conversation just stopped to the sound of a phone ringing. I was so caught in a daze with all this stress that I barely realized it was going off.

"Matt," Carter mentioned. "Are you going to pick that up?"

"Uh," I looked down at my phone. I saw the contact name, 'Jennnniiiii *heart-eyed emoji*." I picked up my phone and just stared at it while it rung. "Crap, I forgot that we were suppose to have a FaceTime date right now. Man, what am I going to do?"

"Dude, talk to her," Carter persuaded me.

"I can't talk to her now. I'm a mess," I said. Without thinking, I immediantly pressed the 'Decline' button.

"What did I just do?" I started to worry a lot.

"Why are you being such a girl Matt?" Carter said," I bet you Jenni isn't even thinking twice about this and you're overreacting. You guys can talk later tonight. It's no big deal."

"You're right," I relaxed. "I need to stop overreacting."

I hesitated, "It's just... I'm new to this whole relationship thing."

"I know you are bud," Carter said. "But that's okay because a relationship isn't just one person. It's two."


"You're not going through this whole relationship thing alone. There's one other person who is going through this exact same thing as you," Carter just snapped some sense into me.

"And I just hung up on her..." I shortly just realized my mistake.

"The best thing to do is to talk to her and get this figured out," Carter said. "Good luck bro." We did our handshake and then Carter left my room.

"Thanks," I said as I waited and then I picked up my phone up again and called Jenni back.

"Matt!" Jenni voice happily said, "I hope I'm not interuppting anything."

"You're not," I replied. "Instead I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Absolutely!" She said in her usual cheery voice, "You can talk to me about anything."

I took a deep breath and began to tell her everything that was on my mind.

*Jenni's POV*

"Jenni, all in all, I just wanted to tell you that I care about you and it is killing me to not be able to see you," Matthew said in the cutest way ever.

My boyfriend is pretty amazing. "Matthew Lee, I'm glad you told me how you've been feeling and I want you to know that I care about you too. I get mad at myself all the time because I know I can't make the effort to visit you."

"I know it's not your fault," Matt said.

"But I feel like it is. Gosh Matt, my parents don't even know about you," I began to feel guilty.

"Jenni, don't feel bad about it," Matt said understandingly. "But I think it would make me feel a lot better to know that they approve of me, or at least know of me."

"I know," I felt even more guilty. "I'll tell my parents about you tonight. I promise." And I truly mean it.

"I know that's a big step for you Jenni so I just want to thank you for being such a great girlfriend," he said ever so sweetly.

"Don't give me the credit. I'm only as great because my boyfriend is so amazing," I smiled. He could make me smile at any time just through the sound of his voice.

Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu