Chapter Twenty: MAGCON Day One

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March 25th

MAGCON Day One is today.

It was 9:00am and Magcon VIP started at 12:00pm. The excitement that Katherine and I had was unexplainable. Considering we just partially hung out with the Magcon family yesterday night, I had a feeling today was going to be incredible.

I was in the middle of getting ready for the day when my phone started vibrating.

Matthew Espinosa: Hey come to our hotel we're on the the 4th floor

Me: Okay, we'll be there in 15!

Matthew Espinosa: Awesome

I yelled to Katherine who was still getting ready in the bathroom as I was ready to go laying on my bed, "Kat, we're meeting the guys in fifteen minutes!"

Katherine screamed, "I can't believe this is actually happening to us!"

"You need to calm down, they're just regular guys so we need to be cool around them. So try not to freak them out too much. Can you please try to do that Kat?"

"Ugh, fine I'll try. But I mean we're meeting up with THE Magcon boys, especially Aaron Carpenter! Like how can I not freak out?!"

I laughed, "Fine fine I get what you mean. Just be normal, please!"

"Fine Jenni, I'll try." Katherine said as she walked out of the bathroom on her phone. She continued, "Hey Aaron posted a vine of the boys messing around in their hotel room."

"Well let's go and have fun with them," I laughed. I then grabbed my galaxy backpack with my phone charger, Canon camera, wallet, and much more. Then I saw Katherine grab her phone and car keys. Then we got into Katherine's car and she drove us to the hotel that the Magcon crew was staying at.

Once we stepped foot out of the parking lot, we saw a lot of girls crowded around the hotel entrance screaming, holding signs, and looking up at the windows trying to find which floor the boys were on. It was pretty hectic, Katherine and I barely made it through the huge crowd. Once we stepped into the hotel, we started walking towards the elevators.

The hotel manager stopped us, "Excuse me, only residents of this hotel is allowed to come inside. We do not want 'petty little fangirls' as you may say inside our hotel. We want to give our lovely Magcon guests as much privacy as possible."

"Oh no, we are not 'petty little fangirls,' well I mean we are, but the Magcon boys invited us and told us to come in and visit them," I said while seeing the disbelief in the hotel manager's face.

He continued to stand in our way, "I'm sorry, I've heard that from about twenty different girls who tried to pull the exact same stunt as you girls are."

"Sir, this is no stunt. I'm serious, I can show you our texts if that is any proof," I said trying to make him believe us.

"I believe some texts are not as trustworthy, so I would like to ask you to leave. You do not belong here unless you have rented a room. But if you'd like, you can stand outside with the rest of your kind and scream all you want," he showed a sly smirk as he began to slowly turn and walk towards his desk.

Ugh, this dude is unbelievable. He's never going to believe us.

I was about to give up and walk back outside until Katherine stopped me and said, "Wait, I have an idea. Follow my lead."

Katherine marched up to the front desk where the snobby hotel manager stood and I immediantly followed her.

"Excuse me sir, I believe my friend has told you the truth and if you don't believe us, I'd recommend you calling them and asking if they were expecting us. Because we are not leaving until you call and verify that we 'don't belong here.'" Katherine said with much confidence.

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