Chapter Seventeen: Everything Changes for the Better

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It was Sunday morning and I just woke up from a long night of fangirling. I know from most people's perspectives, I look crazy, but a single tweet from THE Matthew Espinosa can completely change my day.

Because Matthew tweeting me means that he knows I exist.

I woke up to three thousand more followers on Twitter and a ton of notifications. I then decided to dm Matthew, but there was probably a 99.9% he wouldn't reply. I doubt he would even remember who I am.

Jenni Waters : Wow, thanks Matthew. Now my notifications won't stop going off ;)

I then turned off my phone and went to do my normal morning routine. I got dressed for church and my entire family, including Brittany, went to church together.

When I had gotten back home, I checked my twitter dms and it read.

Matthew Espinosa : Haha story of my life but im sorry bout that

I then replied.

Jenni Waters : Nah, it's fine. haha does that mean I'm famous now?

Then he replied.

Matthew Espinosa : Very funny its not like ive heard that one before

Then we just started having a conversation through dm.

Jenni Waters : Sorry I couldn't resist haha :)

Matthew Espinosa : Of course u couldn't

Jenni Waters : ;)

Matthew Espinosa : ;)

Jenni Waters : Is it still crazy that I'm fangirling cos I'm actually talking to you?!

Matthew Espinosa : Why haha im a normal dude

Jenni Waters : Well...I mean I'm just a fan.

Matthew Espinosa : Haha well im a normal guy and you're a normal girl and we're just having a normal conversation so you being a fan doesn't matter lol

Jenni Waters : Yeah, I love having a normal conversation with you, considering you're my hero and all. :)

Matthew Espinosa : Your letter explained it all beautiful. I'm honestly glad I could help make you happier and have the opportunity to inspire you. <3

Jenni Waters : I hope you know that I love you Matthew. <3

Matthew Espinosa : I love you too Jenni <3

Jenni Waters : I can't wait to see you in a week!

Matthew Espinosa : I totally forgot! Well I can't wait to meet you too!

Jenni Waters : I got VIP and I'm also going to the Taco Bell meetup on sunday :)

Matthew Espinosa : Sweet I love Taco Bell so I can tell already that it's going to be awesome!!

Jenni Waters : I can already tell this is going to be the best spring break ever!! :)

At that moment, I turned off my phone and laid on my bed. I rested my head on my pillow and relaxed as I tried to think of what just happened.

As I closed my eyes, the time passed by so fast.

It was now Wednesday, March 20th.

All I saw was my parents standing in front of my brother and I with their suitcases.

"Okay make sure you kids don't do anything stupid while we're gone. So no parties and nothing illegal of course." My mom said as she specifically directed that last sentence to my brother, Brandon.

Brandon and I just nodded. I know this sounds bad, but I couldn't wait for them to leave. They've been putting a ton of stress on me and I can't wait for this spring break just to be about me and nobody else. I want to do what I want and have a great time!

After my parents finished with all the guidelines and all the rules, they brought all their stuff to the car outside. We all hugged and said our goodbyes. As the car slowly started to pull out of the driveway and out of the neighborhood, Brandon and I's facial expressions seemed more and more happier.

I began to randomly start jumping and just laid in the driveway.

I looked up at the sky with the blue sky and the slowly majestic clouds.

I started pondering about what I am about to do on this spring break.

I am going to Magcon.

I am guaranteed to meet all twelve boys.

But most of all, I am going to meet Matthew Espinosa.

After tons of dm conversations, I'll get to finally meet him.

I'll get to hug the kid who means so much to me.

I may finally be happy in life.

I've never been so excited for anything in my whole life.

Just four more days.

As I slowly started to get up from my driveway and walked inside my house, parent-free.

"Hey Jenni!" I heard Brandon shout from his room.

I then walked to his room, "What?!" I said with a little annoyed tone.

"What's going on on Twitter?" Brandon asked.

"Uhmm...How am I suppose to know?" I questioned. It's not like I know everything.

"'s about Magcon so I assumed you would know." He said as he continued to be in his room.

I then stopped and ran to my room where my phone laid on my nightstand. I opened up Twitter and saw my timelines filled with chaos and confusion.

There were these tweets that really caught my eye.

Carter Reynolds @Mr_Carterr : I'm going to miss the family. Love y'all.

Carter Reynolds @Mr_Carterr : I'm going to miss my second family. That's a fact.

Carter Reynolds @Mr_Carterr : It sucks because we all bonded so well at the last magcon and now I can't physically say goodbye to some of them.

This was why Twitter was going crazy.

I see sad tweets. Depressing tweets. Tweets saying that Magcon is breaking up. Magcon is ending.

But actually it wasn't ending. It was far from ending. The fans just made it a bigger deal than it was. Instead, Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and Carter were just not going to the Magcon events anymore. They were now doing their own thing. But it's nothing to get worried about.

Everything changes for the better.



Thank you so much for reading. I love you guys. And if you guys are super excited for something important to the plot then keep an eye out for the next chapter because that one is going to be an eventful one!! :)

Thanks for keeping up with my sucky updating, but I promise I'll be updating more often.

I love y'all.


Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinosa FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz