Chapter Thirty-One: Katherine Needs to Keep Her Mouth Shut

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*Jenni's POV*

"Jenni...Jenni!" I hear shouting towards my direction.

I turn around and look at Katherine. I was so surprised by the sound of her voice because I was so dazed. I was obviously distracted. I mumbled, "What?"

"It's about time," she said in a sassy attitude. "I've been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes. What's wrong with you today?"

What hasn't been wrong with me today? I can't express how much stress I'm feeling inside of me and I can barely express any of it verbally nor physically. How was I suppose to explain to Katherine, someone who doesn't understand anything beneath the surface, how I was truly feeling? I hesitated, trying to come up with a decent answer to give her, "I've just had a lot on my mind that's all." That was pretty lame and vague. I hope she buys it.

"Ugh Jenni. You know I need more of an answer than just that," Katherine persisted. I should have know she was going to see through my lies. She's been my bestfriend for years so of course she would know me. "Is it about your stupid Prom situation?"

I scoffed, "Yes, it's about my stupid Prom situation." I guess stupid was one way to put it. "It's just been so stressful lately for me, but of course you wouldn't understand because you have nothing to worry about for the next four days."

"Are you kidding me?" Katherine objected, "I have so much to worry about!"

"Name one," I commanded her. I know for a fact that she's riding smoothly until Prom.

"Uhm I still need to figure out the after-party," she tried to persuade me that she actually had problems to worry about.

"That's such bullcrap. The after-party is at Drew's house so therefore it's not your problem," I laughed at how she failed to make an excuse.

"Okay so you're right, I don't have much to worry about for the next five days," Katherine admitted. "But do you mind telling me your problems because I don't really follow you. You're not much of a person who expresses what they're feeling."

"Ugh," I dreaded saying it. Just by even thinking it, I feel wrinkles forming on my forehead. "Well I'll try to keep it short. I'm going to Prom with Nick who, don't get me wrong, is absolutely nice and all. He's been one of my bestfriends, but I don't think I feel the same way that I think he feels about me. You know what I mean?"

"No, I don't think I get what you mean," Katherine had a questionable face. C'mon Katherine, now is not the time to play stupid. I know she exactly knows what I mean, but she just wants to verify it by hearing it from me.

"Nick freaking likes me!" I admitted. I said it a bit too loud that I think everyone in the cafeteria heard me. "And not just like friends. He likes likes me."

"That's ridiculous Jenni. This isn't the second grade. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like like you, but he may have a crush on you," Katherine tried to reassure me. "And what's bad about that? I mean I think you should take it as a compliment."

"A compliment? Sure, I guess that wouldn't be as much as a problem except I have a freaking BOYFRIEND," I started to raise my voice a bit aggrivated.

"Well maybe you should have told Nick that," Katherine started to raise her voice, trying to put me in my place.

"Well I didn't think I'd have to because I didn't know he was going to ask me to freaking Prom!" I said referring to Katherine's role in my whole situation.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry?" Katherine asked with an apologetic tone.

"You've said it many times and I've accepted it all those times. It's just...I'm frustrated with this whole situation," I said trying to control my temper. I grunted and sighed, "I'm sorry Katherine. I know it's not your fault. It just sucks that I can't go to Prom with Matt because that's what I really wanted, but he's busy this weekend. Plus I can't just dump Nick because I feel bad for the guy. He's tried so hard that I don't want to just kick him to the curb. You know?"

Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinosa FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin