Chapter Fourteen: Time Flies When I'm Talking To Matthew Espinosa

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That Monday, I went home with a smile on my face. Yes, I did get in trouble with Mrs. Frankovich, but honestly, it was worth it!

I sat in the passenger's seat of Brandon's car as we were driving home. I was just on my phone on Twitter scrolling down my timeline. I then see that I have another dm notification. I check it. It was Matthew again. Oh my gosh. This is going to become an actual conversation! I'm seriously dreaming right now!

Matthew Espinosa : Oh seriously? Sorry about that...I hope I didn't get you into too much trouble.

I smile. Oh my gosh, he's so cute when he's apologizing. Now what should I reply?! Oh my gosh, just act cool Jenni. You got this.

Jenni Waters : Nah, you're okay. She let me off the hook and tbh it was worth it ;)

I put my phone in my lap and I leaned my head out of the car window and felt the light wind against my face. My hair was flowing and it felt amazing.

Then I heard Brandon talk, "So what's been up with you lately? You seem in a cheery mood."

I laughed. Of course, no one knew about Matthew noticing me or anything, besides Katherine.

"Oh, it's nothing really. I'm just currently dm-ing Matthew Espinosa right now." I smiled and I was blushing. Something changed in me last night. I'm honestly the happiest I have been in a long time.

Brandon just looked at me and then put his eyes back onto the road. "Are you serious right now? Is this legit? You better not be kidding with me right now J."

I just laughed. "I honestly can't tell you. This feels like a dream." I pulled out my phone and shoved our dms in his face. After he glanced at it, I put it back into my lap.

"Wow." That was all Brandon said right before we pulled into our driveway. I grabbed my backpack and walked into the house too. I smiled at my mother as I walked in and went to my room.

Wow. That's all I have to say too. This honestly feels surreal.

I had no homework tonight so I turned on my laptop. The internet was honestly my life.

I opened up three seperate tabs. One for tumblr. One for twitter. and One for youtube.

I could literally spend hours on tumblr just looking at artsy pictures that I wish I could take.

On youtube, I would watch the most randomest videos ever. I would start off watching Matthew's old videos and then I would end up on a cat video.

But twitter is where I would just stalk celebrities. Okay, not necessarily stalk, but I just like to know what's going on in their lives because mine was so boring.

I scrolled down my timeline and just saw random tweets and every single one of them made me even happier.

Cameron Dallas @camerondallas : It will always get better. I promise that.

Aaron Carpenter @aaroncarpenter_ : surf boarf

Shawn Mendes @shawnnmendes : I might have just recorded a cover *

Mahogany *LOX* @mahoganylox: all of me...loves all of you

Jack Johnson @jackjackjohnson : *Me sleeping in class* Teacher: Hey looks like jack is dreaming of vine back there! Good one teach you sure got me

Jack Gilinsky @jackgilinsky : Believe in yourself

Carter Reynolds @mr_carterr : Baby let me Put your panties to the side...imma make you feel alright...

Taylor Caniff @taylorcaniff : Versace

Matthew Espinosa @themattespinosa : Koala bears swimming through a lake filled with vanilla pudding while being attacked by chocolate flavored astronauts. Sweg

MAGCON TOUR @MAGCONTOUR : Fourteen more days till MAGCON NEBRASKA. Who's excited?

Jenni Waters @jenniwaterss retweeted.

I kept scrolling when I saw another dm notification. I checked it. It was Matthew again. Oh my gosh. I'm literally so overwhelmed right now. I'm honestly going to die.

Matthew Espinosa : Haha i just got home and i want food *attached is a selfie*

Oh my gosh. Why is he so cute?! I quickly replied.

Jenni Waters : I mean, who doesn't right? Food is life aha

I then heard a knock at my door and I turned my head and looked towards the door. It was Brandon. He came over to my laptop, just as I shut my laptop screen so he couldn't see anything on my screen.

"What you doing little sis? Talking to your booyyyyffrrrieeenddd?" Brandon said as he teased me.

I started laughing, "No, I wish. He's only dmed me twice. Plus, I'm just a fan. That'll never happen to me." I then opened my laptop screen back up again and signaled him to leave my room.

Brandon got the hint and started walking towards the door. "Hm. You never know Jenni. You said Matt would never notice you and look at you now." He said just as he closed my door.

I looked at my laptop screen and saw another dm from Matthew. Dang, he replies fast.

Matthew Espinosa : I could really use some Chipotle right now lol

I replied and we began to have an ongoing conversation.

Jenni Waters : Awe, i wish i could bring you some right now :)

Matthew Espinosa : Yeah haha but i doubt you live in virginia

Jenni Waters : Nah, I live in Nebraska...that's sort of far away from virginia. :(

Matthew Espinosa : Nebraska...magcon is coming there soon i think!

Jenni Waters : Yeah! I'm going! I got VIP! i'm honestly so excited! :)

Matthew Espinosa : That's awesome. Well I can't wait to see you there beautiful <3

I squealed. What?! Did he honestly just call me beautiful? I don't believe that I'm currently talking to THE Matthew Espinosa right now. I feel like I'm still in a dream. I don't believe this.

Jenni Waters : Awe, you're so sweet :) Don't tell the other guys, but you're the one I'm most excited to meet ;)

Matthew Espinosa : Well I'm excited to meet you too! ;)

I was about to reply to Matthew's dm, but just then, my laptop died. It had just shut off. I guess I forgot to charge it the night before.

I then tried to find my phone because I couldn't just not reply back to Matthew. But my phone was no where in sight. I then looked at my alarm clock and I saw that it was already 8:36pm. Time had passed by so fast. I guess that happens when I talk to Matthew. Time just flies by.

I went to go get ready for bed. I changed into my t-shirt and pajama pants. I then brushed my teeth and just laid in bed. I just sort of reflected over my day today. This was by far, one day that I will never forget. March 11th was the day that I talked to Matthew Espinosa.


Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in forever! (like three weeks) and I truly do apologize. I've been pretty busy with school and such more. But I honestly will try to update as much as I can.

And I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that eventful. I'm thinking about doing a timeskip where I skip to the more interesting parts and such, but I'll think about it.

Aha, but thank you so much everyone for reading. It truly does mean alot. Put any input below in the comments. I love to read them. Okay. Well I love you all! :) <3

- Jenni. :)

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