(S/b) looked momentarily startled, "...That's fine, I guess."

"Well, for one, Y/n says nothing but good things about your parents — my condolences by the way, I do not mean to be disrespectful. I am just having a bit of trouble understanding the meaning behind the things Mr. L/n says."

(S/b) swallowed, eyes as wide as saucers. "He speaks... good of mom and dad?"

"Yes, only good things," Kisaku's pleasant expression morphed into one of mock confusion. "Did Y/n and your parents have a good relationship; would you say?"

"It seemed fine," (S/b) snapped shortly, "until the day they died."

Kisaku sensed the irritation in their voice and made a note of it. What was interesting there was the way (S/b) had chosen to word that jeer. Why had he said "until the day they died" and not something more direct and stinging.

Like "until the day Y/n killed them" or —

Kisaku was thinking too much into it. He moved on.

"I apologize. I realize this is a difficult subject."

"It's fine, doctor." Yet, (S/b) remained tense.

"While he speaks well of them, he doesn't seem to say anything about you, (S/b), and I can't fathom the reason why," Kisaku smiled very pleasantly.

"What does he say about me?" (S/b)'s hands clenched into fists by their sides. Kisaku's eyes moved back up to catch suspicious (S/b)'s guarded ones.

"Next to nothing," Kisaku replied airily as if the subject was of little importance, "beyond the fact of your existence."

(S/b)'s hands slowly relaxed, unballing their fingers. "I see," they said measuredly.

"I want to ask you about the murders —"

(S/b) stumbled over their feet; Kisaku caught their arm, steadying them, before they could fall. (S/b) wrenched their arm away from the doctor's secure hold.

"Why are you interrogating me? I'm not a patient here," (S/b) snapped irritably. "I only came in to see my brother; nothing else."

Kisaku put his hands up in a placating gesture. "You are absolutely right, (S/b), please excuse my behavior."

"Excused," (S/b) bit out, irate.

The rest of the walk to Ward X was filled with nothing but a tense, overbearing silence. When they reached the secure double doors of Ward X, Kisaku unlocked the doors and nodded to the two security guards on duty.

"Visitor," the doctor explained in one word.

The two guards exchanged a glance before asking, "Do they know the rules?"

The second dug through a drawer at his elbow, pulling out an emergency button (the same model as the one always secured around Kisaku's neck). "Here," he muttered, handing it over to (S/b). "You'll need it."

"Go ahead and go over the rules," Kisaku invited the first guard as (S/b) inspected the new accessory with no small amount of apprehension.

"For visitors: no entering the cell, stand four feet away from the door and glass wall. After Amano here searches you, you'll be free to enter. No giving the patient any items and we'll be watching you the whole time so smile for the cameras," the man explained, nodding to the monitors behind him displaying various settings captured on camera. "Anything happens, press that little red button around your neck as hard as you can, we'll be right there with a call for backup already put in."

Forbidden Fixation (Obsessed!Doctor x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now