The Visit - 17

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Kisaku stood in the front lobby of Rosemary Sanitarium. Today was the day (S/b) was scheduled to visit their brother. The doctor stood with his hands firmly clasped behind his back. He wasn't entirely sure what he should be thinking in that moment. Twice had Y/n proved truthful.

Strikeout on three?

Kisaku didn't honestly know what to expect when he met (S/b). Would he feel the wrong-footedness he experienced when he saw Miss Misani? A woman reduced to nothing but the patients she had used to treat? A woman who looked thin, glassy, and gaunt. A woman who smiled at the thought of Y/n...


Would Kisaku feel a careful resignation? A tired defeat? Like when Fujimoto began to sweat; began to lie. And at the end would Kisaku tiredly think, Y/n was right.

Or, against all odds, will Y/n be wrong about this one thing?

Two orderlies and a nurse manned the front desk. The lobby was empty save for the four of them; other than a frail old woman sitting in an empty chair in the corner. Based on her civilian clothes, she too was waiting for visiting hours to officially start.

Kisaku checked his watch. Only a minute now.

Right on the hour, an unfamiliar (man/woman) walked in through the sanitarium's main public entrance. They glanced around nervously before catching sight of the front desk and walking over.

"Visiting or admitting?" the nurse asked from behind her wide desktop screen.

"Um," the person flushed, looking slightly put off by the question. "Visiting."

The nurse looked up then, "Name?"

"(S/b)," the person murmured so quietly Kisaku barely heard it.

Hazel eyes quickly inspected the person from top to bottom. Despite the fact they had been trying adamantly to visit Y/n for years, the person named (S/b) appeared as skittish as a deer. Kisaku began mentally cataloging their behavior.

"I.D. please," the nurse asked prefunctly.

They offered it, glancing around nervously again. Their eyes didn't seem to meet Kisaku's however, for all of (S/b)'s staring.

"All right, and who are you here to visit?"

At that question, Kisaku stepped in.

"Hi, hello, Dr. Kisaku Haitani," he introduced himself to (S/b)'s flighty form, throwing his hand out. "I'm the doctor currently overseeing your brother's care." With a side look to the nurse, he said, "I'll take things from here, nurse."

She took one look at Kisaku's badge before shrugging it off. "Go right ahead, doctor."

(S/b) looked from the nurse to Kisaku. "You..." they chewed their lip, "You're the one I spoke with? Dr. Haitani?"

"Yes, I am. If you would follow me, I will escort you to Ward X. Where Y/n L/n is currently staying," he explained, moving his hand in a "walk ahead of me" gesture when the (man/woman) failed to take it.

(S/b) sent another paranoid glance around the lobby before complying.

They walked side by side through the white crisscrossing hallways of the sanitarium, Kisaku only stepping out ahead of (S/b) to key his badge into each electronically secured set of double doors.

After taking in enough of (S/b)'s natural tics and behaviors, Kisaku decided to speak finally.

"I hope you don't mind," the doctor began, "but I wanted to ask you personally about your brother. He has been a very difficult patient to decipher."

Forbidden Fixation (Obsessed!Doctor x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now