◈ not again ◈

Start from the beginning

"I have an idea why don't we go and submit it to the principal saying we found it lying somewhere?" Ashton suggested and this was by far the best idea I have heard.

"Okay, I will do that," I said taking the phone since it was my fault that we were having this discussion.

So I rushed to the principal's office and entered forgetting to ask for permission.

"Yes, Edith, how can I help you." He asked looking mildly amused.

"Just- I found this phone in the corridor." I played the best innocent student I could.

"Sure you did, leave it here." He said not looking entirely convinced.

"Thank you," I said sincerely and thought for a moment if I should tell him how Ms. Sofia was in trouble and if he could help.

But I thought this was not my secret to share and I need to convince her to confess herself.

And I walked out sighing in relief.


I was sitting in the middle of the arts and crafts room with coffee and an onion bagel in my hand. After two hours of searching through this crap, I managed to find some useful things for the music fest. It was seven in the evening I honestly missed the class with Mr. Iceberg.

Anyway, he taught me enough that I would pass marginally.

I sipped the coffee looking around the mess and estimating almost another hour of torture.

Ashton was getting the participants' signature so that was another task done today.

Since I was alone and probably no one would even hear, I started singing no tears left to cry first in slow volume but when I felt more comfortable I was enjoying myself. I sang letting me distress myself.

The door burst open as if in a haste and I stopped my heart leaping almost out of my chest.

Josiah was standing at the door, his eyes were the first thing that caught me not his usual brown but a peculiar non-human shade of bright amber.

I thought it was a light trick because he blinked and it was brown again.

"Hi," I answered feeling awkward at the heavy silence between us.

He cleared his throat and I felt that my crush was still strong.

"What are you here this late?" He asked.

"Lot of work," I answered simply remembering I should be annoyed with him for being so rude to me.

"Um, you have a nice voice." 

My crush did not just say I had a nice voice.

Not letting my inner heart dance show I just smiled," Thank you."

"I will leave you to work."

What? What? You can't leave like that.

"Are you really not going to teach me now?" I gathered courage and ask.

"Tell me then where were you this afternoon?" He asked.

This would be confessing my own sin in front of the police.

I think about it and then what would be the consequences of stealing the teacher's phone.

"You will probably put me in a worse situation than I am already in," I mumbled.

He inhaled sharply.

"You know being kind and upright is going to get you in trouble one day, it will not be of any benefit because no one in the world deserves kindness or help."

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