Chapter 7

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Understanding the circumstances surrounding my birth brings uncommon relief which had escaped me for many years. At last I'm relieved of my perennial burden now that I understand the motive behind my strange name. Feelings of accomplishment and joy washes through me, as I leave Mama to take a rest after the energy-sapping tale.

I always knew I'm not a normal person. I've always felt special amidst peers. Indeed, I'm unusual, hence my uncommon name. I put off my uniform and leave for the bathroom to have a shower. But before I return, Mama is already on the bed, sleeping.

While eating my deferred lunch, making it a supper, I reflect deeply on all I just heard. There are indeed things around me which I know nothing about – things I need to learn growing up. It's common knowledge that a pregnant woman puts to bed after nine months. My own mother carried me for years, three years, during the most trying period of her life. That must have happened for a reason.

From now on Mama needs not give herself undue pressure over me, and I'll give her no reason to complain about my actions. Indeed, I owe this woman apologies and gratitude, of which I can't offer enough for the rest of my life.

I hop into the bed at around half-past eight, quite earlier than usual. Still, I have no interest in watching TV. Nothing else feels worthy of my time than poring over the sweet-sour story surrounding my birth. The love my dad showed me, even before birth was pristine. His love for me at birth inspires to bits.

While I ruminate over the details of Mama's narrations, a gecko crawls across the ceiling as if to remind me of the role it played on the day of my birth. A role for which I refuse to give it credit whenever I mark my birthday. That must change from now on.

"Oh, cute gecko, there you are!"

I wave at the crawling lizard with a smug smile that stretches the limits of my lips. Look at its brownish colour, it's flagrant tail which wags like the jelly fish in the ocean. The roughness of its skin reminds of me of the tough times Mama went through those horrible years. The gecko looks gentle from a distance, even if its eyes are prominent. Its silent crawl reminds me of the sage's wisdom. Yes, that sage who appeared from nowhere to my mom and dad.

Now I know there're things I'm yet to understand about the world I live in – things I need to sit down and reflect over. Some objects which apparently carries no significance might be of so much value, only if we look deeper. Our journey in life will be affected by things we know and the actions we take. And also by hidden influences of which we know little or nothing about.

Tomorrow at school, I must tell Ladun who I am. I must address my classmates and let them know they won't get a lash of my tongue whenever they call my name. Just like theirs, the name carries some special meanings, it represents my history, something I'm now so proud of. Folks no longer need to call me Alayon or Mbere, not at all. They must call me in full, for I am indeed A-l-a-y-o-n-m-b-e-r-e – the gecko.

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