Chapter 11

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Jay's POV

When I woke up I looked around seeing that I was in a chair, tied up.

I looked around seeing that I was in the back room, 'how did I get here?' I thought to myself.

Just then I heard the door open and turned my head to see who it was. "Who's there?" I asked. There was silence.

The door suddenly slammed shut and I sat in silence for a few more minutes. When the door opened again, it reveled a strange figure standing in the doorway.

I had no idea who it was, it stepped into the room, light slightly shining on the figures face. "Foxy?" I whispered, seeing red tufts of fur.

"Is it you?" I asked. The room became silent again and the figure continued to stare.

Suddenly the light in the room flickered, making me able to see the figures face.

"Foxy! It is you! Come untie me, quick! We need to get out of here!" I said, when I realized it was foxy.

He took a step forward me and I smiled slightly. "Hurry up then, slow poke!" I joked.

He ignored me and looked around. "Foxy, hurry up! They might come back soon!" I whispered to him, a little irritated.

He walked over to a table and then opened up a drawer shuffling some things around inside until pulling out an item.

I narrowed my eyes, focusing my vision, trying to figure out what he had pulled out.

I stayed silent as he closed the drawer and looked over at me again.

"What's tha- Oh! Yes! Use that to cut the ropes!" I said when I realized he was holding a knife.

He remained silent and I started to panic, "Foxy...? Are you oka-" I was cut off when Foxy lunged for me.

I yelped and tried to move, but ended up making the chair start to fall backwards.

Foxy grabbed the collar of my shirt, holding me and the chair I was tied to, in place.

I flinched when I felt the knife pressed against my neck, Is this the end? Killed by a... "Friend?"

Sorry I haven't updated ^u^ I've been catching up on anime a lot lately.. Who knew I could watch over 50 episodes a day

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