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It was springtime in Japan

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It was springtime in Japan. A gentle breeze carried pink petals throughout the city and perfect puffy clouds passed overhead, dotting the blue sky. Not too far from the downtown part of the city, students at Rozaryu Junior High School were buzzing with energy as they made preparations.

"I hope each of you have chosen a high school to attend now that this your last school year," a tall teacher with dark cobalt hair said as she passed out forms for her students to fill out. "Entrance exams are very difficult, so be sure to study for them."

A sheet fluttered down onto Hikari Hinata's dark copper hands. The girl twirled her pencil in and out of her long, wavy teal hair, lost in thought as she analyzed the paper with matching teal eyes. Finally, she slowly wrote down her potential schools, methodical in the way she wrote her choices.

Two dark brown curls suddenly obscured Hikari's sight of the form. It was none other than her friend Ochako Uraraka. She leaned over her friend's desk and asked eagerly, "Hey, Hikari, which school are you applying for?"

Hikari hesitated for a moment before answering, "Well, I was thinking about going to U.A. and--"

An excited gasp interrupted Hikari. "You want to go to U.A. too?!"

"Yeah, and I wanna--" Hikari paused. "Wait, too?"

"Yeah, I wanna go to U.A. and become a hero!" Ochako cheered excitedly as she raised a fist to the air.

"Uraraka! Hinata! Lower your voices! This is not a group project!" their teacher, Maeda-sensei, as they called her, barked from the front of the class. Several kids giggled as Ochako blushed bright red. Hikari just grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"We'll keep it down, sensei!" the teal-haired girl shouted back. Maeda-sensei nodded once before returning to grading papers.

Hikari turned to her friend as the last of giggles finally dissolved. "I think you'll become a great pro-hero, Ochako," she continued, "With your quirk, you can float away enemies in a snap!"

Her friend blushed slightly, surprised at the sudden praise. "Yeah. I just hope I'm strong enough for when the entrance exam comes," she mumbled, her eyes suddenly looking at the floor. She began to fiddle with the little pink pads on her fingertips.

An idea sparked in Hikari's head. She slammed her hands against her desk and exclaimed, "Then let's train together! We can become stronger and ace the exam and go to U.A!"

Her friend's eyes widened in hope. "You really think so?"

"Yep! Let's start today!" Hikari responded enthusiastically. She took Ochako's hands into hers. "You'll see. You and I will be the best pro-heroes Japan has ever seen!"

Ochako nodded vigorously, a grin growing on her face. Her suddenly watery eyes glittered with hope. "Yeah!"

"Uraraka! Hinata! Second warning!"

"Sorry, sensei!"

"Yes, sensei!"


Once the final bell rang, Ochako and Hikari began their daily trek home, but not before stopping at a small snack shop.

"Oh man, I don't have any money," Ochako pouted as she looked down at her coin purse.

"That's okay, I can cover you! I have enough money!" Hikari grinned. She pushed the mochi and pocky onto the counter. "That's what friends are for!"

Her friend smiled. "Thanks, Hikari. You're the best!"

After paying for the sweets and two carbonated drinks, the two stepped outside to be greeted by sudden rain. "Huh? Rain? I didn't expect it to rain. It didn't show any sign on the news," Ochako commented, holding out a hand to feel the rain.

Hikari grinned mischievously. "Well, why don't we run?"

That's how the two ended up running in the rain, screaming and giggling on their way home. Their feet splashed through large puddles of water and soaked their shoes. Hikari held her school bag over her head to shield her face and hair from the rain. They weaved through the crowd, though some people stepped out of their way, but not everybody did, when suddenly--

BAM! Hikari ran smack into somebody! She fell to the ground, her purple bag cast onto a small puddle. In front of her there was a plain looking boy with mossy green hair and a gakuran uniform. It definitely wasn't somebody from her school.

"Oh, sorry!" she apologized. The boy, however, looked unfazed by the collision and got up to continue walking. He had a dazed expression on. It worried Hikari for a moment, but she figured no harm done and ran to catch up to Ochako.


Because they ended up not training that day as they had promised, the duo ended up going to Hikari's apartment to snack and talk.

"Jeez, I seriously need to change. I got totally soaked," Hikari huffed as she marched directly to her room. After she had bumped into that boy and taken the fall, her uniform was dripping wet. The clothes were now a darker shade and weighed her down.

"Pardon the intrusion!" called out Ochako. When there was no response, she asked, "Your dad's not here yet?" She placed her shoes near the door before stepping into the apartment, trying her best not to ogle the moderately wealthy apartment.

"No, he texted me that he had extra paperwork to do, since there was a big villain attack today," Hikari answered, her voice muffled and far-away. "He texted me about it."

"What about your sister Maru? She should be out of school by now," Ochako commented.

"Oh, yeah, she's with my aunt and my cousin. He'll pick her up when he's done with work."

Finally, Hikari emerged from her room. She wore a simple white shirt with short, puffy sleeves and pastel pink shorts. She tossed a towel to her friend, who gratefully accepted it. "Hey, Ochako, why do you want to become a hero?"

"E-eh?! Me??" the girl of interest squeaked. "Oh, you know, t-to save people and stuff!" She stuttered as she scratched the back of her head. If she was lying, Hikari didn't catch it. She stared out the window, lost in thought.

"Well... I want to fulfill my wish... and avenge my mom."

A/N: Aaaaand here it is, ladies and gentlemen (and non-binary folks)! My MHA fic! I've had this in my docs for months and I finally get to publish it! I'm super excited for it and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! Leave a heart and comment and have a nice day!

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