|obvious secret • lucifer mornigstar|

Start from the beginning

"Don't." A voice spoke out. It was so quiet that you could barely hear it, but it knew I did, and I knew that my ass was about to be fried for this demon to eat.

"Stay awake, woman." The voice growled again as the sound of his steps stopped by the side of my bed. Now I definitely knew it was a male. Jeez, the amount of testosterone he let out made me want to shove a tampon up his ass.

I stayed quiet, too scared to move. My heart was beating so loud I swore he could hear it as much as I did.

I began to feel my insides curl up in fear, making me want to let out a cry of terror. A knot formed in my throat, but I was too frightened to let my tears fall.

"I'm sorry if I have scared you." He whispered out in a seductive manner, his hot breath fanned over the skin of my neck. "But I have been waiting so long to find the woman I was destined to be with, whom I'd marry and make sweet-"

"With consent of course." I rushed out.

There was no way I would be raped. Ain't. No. Fucking. Way.

I could feel his chest rumble with a chuckle as he lowered himself close to me. His body heat helping to somewhat soothe my shaking body.

"I would never hurt you. I'm all about consent, my beautiful temptress." He said in a raspier voice.

Temptress. Seriously?

I'm a high school virgin who wishes she would have been baptized so this psychopath wouldn't be here!

"What is wrong with you?" I spoke with anger laced in my tone. I am trying so hard as to not yell at this idiot, the last thing I need is to wake my family.

"Nothing is wrong. I am just so exhilarated from the thought of you becoming my true queen. To see you rule by my side in hell."

"What do you mean hell?!" I whisper-shouted, finally opening my eyes. I was planning on finishing my rant, but I quickly changed my mind as I laid eyes on a handsome face staring back at me.

"You have an obvious secret, (Y/n)." He continued, obviously ignoring me. "I'm Lucifer. I am exactly what you want, exactly what every woman wants if I am being quite honest. But my love, can't you see that you are meant for me? That you are meant to be my queen."

"No. I am n-not... I..." I could barely finish my words as a strong arm made it's away around my waist, keeping me trapped in a tight hold.

My goodness, isn't he dominant.

"You know, I am a very jealous creature, and I most definitely do not want my future bride to turn down my humble offer of marriage."

"Trust me. I don't think I am." I whispered out, most definitely sounding like a love-forsaken zombie.

Why did I say that?! What is wrong with me? How could I possibly be attracted to this man who is the devil incarnate.

Tears began to well in my eyes. The knot that had been in the back of my throat, had finally broken after what felt like an eternity. My tears streamed down my cheeks, as my face burned a bright red from embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry." Lucifer paused for a moment, before he pulled me gently closer to him. "I'm good at many things, but telling someone you love them is something I don't think I'll ever be good at."

His once hard eyes, had now softened as they studied my face. He reached out a large hand and gently wiped away a stray tear, surprising me even more from what he just said.

I stared at him, just as he stared back at me. I couldn't help it. There was such a deep attraction I felt towards him that I simply could not explain.

The way his curly wisps of hair fell on his forehead, the moonlight that shone on his smooth skin, his thick eyebrows that were now furrowed in sadness, and his eyes that held so much love. Something that I'm sure no one would think Lucifer could have for someone who is just a mortal.

There was no way I could turn him down. I knew I would instantly regret it. My feelings for him were way too real. I wasn't quite sure as to what I should say to him. Should I apologize? Should I kiss him?

That's going way too far. I think I should wait on that one.

I wrapped my arms as best as I could around his larger body frame. I could feel his muscles tense under my touch and I hurriedly pulled away, worried I had angered him.

"Wait. Don't be afraid. You can touch me." He whispered with desperation. I slowly nodded as I inched closed to him.

Once again, I wrapped my arms around Lucifer. Immediately he held on to me as if his life depended on it. I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips. This feeling of pure happiness took over my senses as we both shared this blissful moment.

"I'll be your queen." I spoke out after minutes of content silence. "I'll be yours forever. And I will choose you over any and everything. I will rule by your side. I will try my best to give you what ever you want."

I could feel Lucifer smile against my neck as he pushed me underneath him and laid on top of me, his arms still secured around my waist.

"And I will love you for eternity."


wow. i forgot how hard it is to write haha

but i hope you enjoyed this imagine and of course our darling lucifer! and don't worry, i am going to be posting more chapters for the other male characters... maybe even a new one who goes by the nick name of "prince of hell" ;)

ok bye <3

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