Greta flops back onto his bed and curls up to a soft blanket that he'd laid out just for her. She always calls it hers since she uses it every time she's over. "Much."

"Hey." Mike speaks to gain her attention, which works. Her head peeks up and her eyes travel down to where Mike is pointing.

She smiles lovingly at her best friend before grabbing at the sweets. "You didn't have to."

Mike shrugs. "I wanted to."

She takes a sip of the hot beverage before setting it to the side and laying back with a sigh. "They know."

Mike hums, obviously confused. So Greta continues. "My parents. They know."

"Know what?" He takes a seat next to her.

She groans, making sure to look the other way. "About me. About Linda."

Mike gasps. Suddenly things make a little more sense. "How?"

"Apparently someone saw us at the movies. I don't even know. Friends of my parents."

Mike takes ahold of her hand. "What happened?"

She laughs despite the new tears in her eyes. "Basically I'm homeless."

Mike not only squeezes her hand, but also his eyes. "Greta."

She hums. "Yeah. All I got to take with me is this little mark on my cheek."

"Greta. I'm so sorry."

She only shrugs. "Not your fault. Never thought it would happen. Honestly I'm surprised I'm not sobbing. I think I'm just so shocked. You know? It's like a dream. But it's not. I'm alone."

"You're not alone."

Greta smiles at her dear friend. "Well I know, but you know what I mean."

Mike sits up to get a better look at her. "No." He shakes his head stubbornly. "You're not."

"I've got no place to go."

The boy grunts. "Greta I'm right here."

She rubs her head. "You don't even have another room, Mike."

"I've got two words for you. Bunk. Beds." He pauses in between words.

Greta shakes her head. "No way. I could never accept that."

"Why not? You don't want to be my roomie?"

The girl frowns. "It's not that. I just, I don't want to be a burden."

He stares at her blankly. "You're my best friend. You'll always have a place with me. My grandma adores you. I'll let you redecorate. Plus you shower at night and I shower in the morning. We are like the perfect fit."

It's now that Greta starts to really cry. She sobs, to be exact. She holds her head in her hands while Mike draws circles on her back. He thinks he's done or said something wrong, which concerns him. What's he to do now? She was already so upset, how could he possibly make it worse?

"Hey, Greta-..." Mike grunts at the force.

Greta has him wrapped in her arms in a matter of seconds as she sobs. And she sobs hard. But this time it's not in the way Mike thinks. "Thank you." She barely gets out.

Once the girl has calmed down and they've both settled back against the wall, they finally talk it out. They talk and they talk and it's like they never run out of things to say. But once it's way too early in the morning and both their voices give out, they simply curl up, eat their cosmic brownies, and watch all of Greta's favorite films.

And that's when it finally hits her. Maybe she didn't lose a family. Maybe she gained one. Because being in this home, no matter the size or fortune, she's always felt welcomed, loved, and absolutely whole.

There's no need to hide or fear.

She can simply just be.

Maybe life with Mike won't be that bad. How could it?

Besides, she thinks once more before dozing off, he absolutely spoils me.

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