He's Okay

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Song: More Than Words by Extreme

October 30, 1993

It's night out now and Beverly sits upside down in the living room chair. In her hand is a telephone and on the other line is her best friend, Eddie.

"You should've seen Rich after we got home. He was blackout drunk. He must've had like ten or more. I'm surprised he didn't get alcohol poisoning."

Beverly laughs. "I didn't drink that much last night."

"Yeah I noticed. Something up?"

Beverly winces and does her best to avoid confrontation. "Everything is fine. I just didn't want to be a drunk mess and leave Ben to take care of me." It was half true.

There's a knock at the door, which pulls her attention away. She listens carefully before tuning back into the conversation. The noise sounds again. Beverly sits up, putting her cigarette to the side.

"Hey, Eddie, I'm pretty sure someone's knocking at my door."

"Aren't you home alone?"

"Mhm." Beverly's lips purse as the knock continues to grow. "I'll be back."

"Be caref-..." Beverly's already sat the phone to the side.

Her feet step wearily towards the entrance. She's not sure who would show up at a time like this, especially when none of the Loser's ever came to visit. It's not like she blames them. The apartment is a piece of shit and her father is even worse. Hell, if he knew about them then she'd be dead.

Beverly stands on her tip toes to get a good peek. There stands Richie Tozier. He's fidgeting awkwardly while waiting. Beverly wonders how he's been so patient.

Her hands fumble with the lock until finally she swings the door open. Richie jumps out of his skin at the sudden movement, but he still smiles. Beverly leans against the doorframe. Her eyes look him up and down before motioning him inside.

He says nothing and instead follows her quietly inside. Beverly grabs the phone cord and lifts it to her hear. "Yeah I'm back. What? No. I'm fine. It's just Richie."

Richie's curiosity gets the better of him. "Who's that?"

Beverly swings her head to the side. "Eddie."

The boy perks up at this. "Tell him I love him."

Beverly stick out her tongue in disgust. "Ew. Richie says he loves you." Her eyes roll and she turns to Richie again. "Eddie says he loves you too."

"I love him mo-..."

"Zip it, Trashmouth."

Richie nods and turns his attention away. He eyes the apartment and takes it in, having never been inside before. It's plain, simple, and a little messy. There's no artwork on the walls. No pictures frames in sight. It's a bore, which reminds Richie of his own home.

"Okay. Mhm. Love you too. Buh-bye." She hangs up the phone before turning her full attention to the lanky boy in her living room.

He's standing awkwardly, still fidgeting about. Beverly sighs and motions him over, offering him a cigarette, which he declines. Eddie's been on his ass about it.

She shrugs before taking another drag. "Why're you here?"

Richie doesn't say a word and instead pulls her into a bone crushing hug. She lets out a grunt at the force. When they pull away is when Beverly notices the glossy eyes. He's not sad, though. She can tell that much. But she doesn't know what's wrong or what to do. What do people do in these situations?

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