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Theme song: I'm Still Standing by Elton John

September 5, 1993

Eddie Kaspbrak is one of the most popular kids in school, despite being gay in the nineteen nineties. It surprised him too, really. In fact, the boy wasn't expecting much at all when he moved to the small town. Eddie had jumped to conclusions when he first heard they would be moving to none other than Derry, Maine. If his school in the city was that bad, he could only imagine what they would have in store for him there.

Now, only a few years later, Eddie sits in a booth surrounded by plaid skirts, spiked hair, and a few lettermen jackets.

Eddie still isn't sure how he sparked their interest. He was sure he'd be kicked around. And he almost was by the one and only Henry Bowers. Luckily a chatty group of jocks began to pass just as Bowers's fist was about to fracture Eddie's jaw.

The sight didn't ease his mind. Not once did he stop to think that maybe they could be of help. When his eyes spotted them traveling his way, he simply held his breath and let out a string of curse words through his mind.

But the name calling never came and so he let out a breath and watched the show. Turns out, there was never a reason to be afraid. They helped him. And the large group had taken Eddie in immediately. In fact, they walked him to class, invited him to parties, and never let him sit alone at lunch. Soon the message was clear. Eddie Kasprak was no longer a target.

No, Eddie Kaspbrak was a prince.

Eddie is loved by most. They can't help but to smile when he passes by them. He practically lights up a room when he enters. His smile is infectious.

It is lunch now and the group of them occupy the back two booths at the local diner. It was everyone's favorite hangout spot, but especially theirs. Wallflower Diner has been around way before their time, yet the exterior still holds up just as shiny and new.

When the group had first brought Eddie to the diner, they were surprised to see only a small plate of fries and fruit cup sat on his plate. They couldn't understand why Eddie had not tried the diners marvelous burgers and shakes. Though soon they found out why. Eddie Kaspbrak is vegan.

Luckily for him, he left such an impact on the owner, Lenny, that a new menu came out only a few weeks later. So the next time his friends dragged him down town, he was excited to see the new veggie burger and dairy free shake options.

Again, everyone loves the boy.

Eddie sits and listens deeply to his friends bickering, making sure not to speak his mind. He still remembers the look on Stan's face when he did try to intervene. He'll admit, it scared him shitless. It's much easier to just sit back and watch the show.

Currently Stan and Bill are droning on and on about which Mariah Carey song is better, Vision of Love or Emotions. It seems to be getting pretty serious. Eddie suddenly feels nervous until he spots Mike and Beverly banging their heads in the booth behind them. Eddie stifles a laugh before mouthing 'help me.'

"Vision of Love is beautiful! It's a ballad full of romance and beauty and raw emotions-..." Stan is cut off by Bill.

"The s-song is l-literally called Emotions, genius! It's amazing. Upb-b-beat, fun, and y-you can t-totally dance to it!" Eddie eyes them both comically while taking a long sip of his vanilla shake.

Eddie stands now, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. The boy makes sure to pull down his yellow shorts before scooting into the seat next to Beverly. She shoves into him playfully before stealing a fry from Eddie's plate.

"I swear they sound like a bickering old couple." Beverly shakes her head at the two.

Mike chuckles. "They've been best friends since they were five. They practically are an old bickering couple."

"Touché." Beverly replies before popping the cherry from her shake into her mouth.

Eddie loves this group of people. They call themselves the losers, despite being the most popular kids in the school. Of course they have more friends they bring together sometimes, but most days it's just these five.

Soon lunch time comes to an end. The five pile into Bill's van and race off to avoid any tardy's. They crank the volume up and sing along obnoxiously. This is their life and they love it.

Eddie loves it.

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