All Grown Up

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Song: No More Tears by Ozzy Osbourne

November 5, 1993

Eddie wakes in Richie's arms. The morning light pours through his window. His eyes scrunch at the sight, but soon he adjusts. However, as soon as he sits up a giant migraine pierces through his head. He settles back down next to Richie's side.

Sonia Kaspbrak stomps through the halls. This is enough to make Eddie jolt awake. The boy ignores the pain while shaking his boyfriend awake. This situation is too much to carry on his own. His mother and him have already fought. Worse than ever. So what happens when she walks in to see Richie lying there on his bed?

It's not like he's going to ask Richie to leave. That's the last thing he wants to do. His boyfriend was a source of comfort and protection. Eddie's not sure he ever wants to leave his side. But he must, for now at least. He knows he should catch his mother before she's off to work. Maybe it'll end in another fight, or maybe they'll actually work something out. Either way, it must be done.

"How are you feeling?" Richie's eyes aren't even open yet.

Eddie stares down at the sleepy boy. His face is indeed beaten and bruised, worse than Eddie's, that's for sure. Richie's eye seems to be swollen shut, while the rest of him is just littered with various cuts and scabs. Eddie should probably clean him up, but he has to run a quick errand first.

"I'm fine. Listen, Chee, I have to go talk to my mom."

Richie opens his good eye. "What are you going to say?"

Eddie shrugs, suddenly aware that he's not too sure either. "I'll make it up as I go."

"And what about the bruises?"

Eddie sighs. "I'll tell her the truth."

Richie begins to sit up, but then decides better of it. His body is far too sore for that. "Do you want me to stay here?"

The boy laughs. "I'm not letting you leave alone like this. Why would I ever do that?"

The taller smiles. "Just checking."

Eddie leans over to plant a small kiss on Richie's forehead. He then leaves the room quietly and stalks down the hall. Eventually he comes across the kitchen. Sonia stands over the stovetop cooking some sort of meal. Eddie can't tell from where he's standing.

"Mom?" He speaks to gain her attention.

She turns slightly to get a better look at her son. At first she glares, but then he comes into view. Sonia's eyes almost bulge from her head at the sight of him. She hadn't seen a bruise like that since his old school. Sonia thought Derry was safe. She thought her Eddie Bear was safe at last.

Suddenly all the past feelings and miscommunications fade away. The fights and arguments and disagreements seem to be nothing but a distant memory. The past didn't matter so much anymore. Not when her boy is standing there looking as fragile as ever.

"My boy. Who did this to you?" She leaves her stove abandoned as she hurries to her son.

Eddie lets her wrap her arms around him. He grabs back at her. He tries to stay strong, but a sob escapes him. "I-..."

Sonia smoothes away the hair on his forehead. Eddie only sobs more at the action. "I'm sorry."

"For what? Who did this, Eddie?"

His eyes don't meet hers and suddenly she realizes something. Her baby boy has grown up. Sure, in a way she least expected, but still. He's grown.

"I was leaving Patty's. Just like every Thursday. The group split. I was walking down the road when a group of men came out of nowhere. They hit me, ma. They tried to touch me. All because I'm gay."

He shakes violently in her arms. A tear has even escaped her own eye. She quickly wipes it away. This was no time to show weakness. Eddie needs his mom more than ever.

Sonia feels a pit in her stomach. She feels wicked. What kind of mother abandons her son in a time of need? What if he had been killed? What if she never got to see him again? Or apologize. Apologize for what she's put him through. For not listening or caring enough to try and understand. All he wants is to be happy, who is she to not let him?

"How did you get away? How did you get home?" Sonia hurts for him.

Eddie's stomach flutters in a bad way. The anxiousness is consuming him. But he has to be honest with her. "Richie helped me. I know you said you don't like him, but-..."

Sonia eyes her son gently. She watches the way he curls under her gaze, and so she smiles. "Eddie it's okay."

Eddie wipes at his wet face. "What?"

"It's okay. I realize that I've not been the kindest to you. I'm sorry. I truly am. It took me awhile, but I love you. You're my Eddie Bear. I never want to make you feel like you should hide from me ever again. If cheer and skateboarding make you happy, then I'm happy. If Richie makes you happy, then good. You're all grown. All grown up."

Sonia cups Eddie's cheek with her right hand. He leans into her touch. "I want you to meet him. He saved me last night. Made sure I got home safe. Stayed with me because I was too scared. He's a good man, momma."

The woman checks the time before panicking a bit. "Should I stay home today?"

"I'll be okay. Richie's sleeping. I'm not alone."

She nods before grabbing at her keys and turning off the stove. "Okay. If you need anything then call my work. I want to meet Richie. Soon. No funny business. Clean your wounds. Put up the food. I'll see you after work."

"I'll be at the game. Cheering." Eddie sucks in.

Sonia purses her lips. "Well I guess I'll see you at the game."

Eddie smiles before hugging the woman once more. Then Sonia is heading out the door with a genuine smile planted on her face. "And most importantly, Eddie. I love you. And we will find those men."

He watches her leave through the door while smiling. Never did he think it would go that well. But it did and it all feels surreal.

Eddie does as she says and picks up the food before cleaning his wounds. He eventually forces Richie up to clean his as well. The two spend the morning getting ready and contemplating skipping school again. They decide better of it in the end.

The two head to school with equally bright smiles, despite everything that's happened to them.

Everything always seems to fade when they're together.

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