Chapter 4 - Runaway Draco

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Pansy P.O.V

I looked over at my two year crush and we were thinking the same thing. Getting Draco and Harry together would be harder than expected. I looked back at Harry and saw that on the outside, he looks fine but on the inside, he is stressed out. Hermione told me that he was in love with Draco and had a plan to get them together but sadly it didn't work.

Harry P.O.V

I am super stressed right now. Is it because of me that he ran? Is he ok? I need to see where he is. "I need to check something." I tell the group as I'm leaving. I run into my dorm, get out The Marauders Map and say "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Why did the Marauders make the password so long? I find Draco going down the passage of the one eyed witch into Hogsmead. I am panicking now. "DRACO IS RUNNING AWAY TO HOGSMEAD!" I yell as I walk down the stairs.

—<time skip to next day because I'm lazy>—

Draco P.O.V

I have successfully escaped from my cru— I mean enemy and I am in an abandoned cabin......... I have just realised how stupid I am. It is a Hogsmead weekend. I'll just have to hope that they aren't dumb enough to try and find me.

A/N: Sorry it's short, I have no ideas 😑. Thanks for reading 😁.

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