Chapter 1

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My eyelids flutter open to see a white ceiling. I feel at peace; at ease to begin with, then it hits me. I sit up quickly; I'm in a clean white room; in a hospital gown; all by myself. Myself? I? It's all blank. What's my name? Where do I live? What happened to me? I look down and i realize my hands and feet are handcuffed to the bed. Why am I-   

My thoughts are interrupted by someone bursting into the room. A boy with dirty blond hair. He looks at me, sadness and relief appears on his face. He rushes towards me. 

I try to shrink away from him, but my bound limbs restrict me.

He grabs me and hugs me tight. He is crying too. 

"Oh Avy, you're alive! They said you were dead but you're okay! You're okay." He was now sobbing into my shoulder. I am still afraid, but I can't help but feel sorry for this boy, he obviously misses me dearly and I have no idea who he is.

More people suddenly flood into the room. They look like doctors or nurses. And they seem shocked to find the boy in here with me. They quickly come over and tear the boy away from me, and very aggressively might I add.

"What on Earth is he doing in here? He should be in his room!" One of the doctors says.

I now notice that the boy is wearing a hospital gown just like mine. Maybe we got in an accident together and we are friends. 

The boy is fighting against their hold on him. He is still sobbing and pleading to get back to me. I suddenly get a sharp pain in my head. One of the nurses notices and quickly has the boy taken out. Leaving only two people left in the room with me. 

A tall male doctor, maybe early 30's, perches on the end of the bed. A nurse stands behind him holding a clip board.

He smiles at me, "What's your name?" 

I glance between him and the nurse. Surely they know I don't know it? But that boy called me something, what was it? Abbie? Annie? Oh, I think it was Avy!

"I..I'm not sure...but that boy c-called me Avy." My voice is croaky, probably from sleeping. or was i unconscious?

"Pay no attention to that boy. I want to know what you know." The doctor says.

"I...don't know anything." I think for a moment, then the questions pour out, "What am I doing here? What happened to me? What's my name, a-and why am I all alone?" I hope desperately that he will give me answers.

"Well, you were in an accident. I am afraid you have a severe case of Amnesia. And you're alone because..." He pauses, "well, I'm afraid you're an orphan my dear. We looked up your records and you were fostered when young and you have lived alone for the past 2 years." 

Something twinges deep inside of me. An annoying sensation of panic and doubt. Is it because of the sad reminder of my true heritage, or it it something else?

I look down at my hands and feet. "Why am I tied down?" I ask.

"Ah, well that is a little bit more complicated, my Dear."

"Please can you tell me?" I press.

He sighs, his lips pull back into a tight line, and he closes his eyes, shaking his head slowly. Then he speaks.

"I'll be frank. Young lady, you are in a mental hospital."

Even more confusion swirls around my brain.

"What am I doing here? What did I do?" I ask persistently.

"Well, nothing yet. But you were close to doing something horrific before your accident." The doctor puts his hand out to the nurse in a gesture for her to hand him something, and so she hands him her clip board. He flips a page over and begins to read.

"Your name is Thalia Babbcock You have been stalking a young man for 2 months, when you found out about his courting another woman you planned out to track her down and murder her. And I must say it looks like you were very set on doing it. In fact you were driving on your way to her house with an ax in your back seat when you got into your accident." He glances up at my horrified face, then adds, "well this is what your file says anyway. But you seem like such a nice girl, you just don't seem like the type to do that kind of thing. Then again, amnesia can change a person; they forget who they are, after all."

I start to tear up a bit, "but, if i have amnesia why do you need to tie me down? I'm not dangerous." 

"Well we can't be sure of that. But i promise we will take good care of you, my dear." He stands up, "I am your doctor, Anthony Risenburgh. But you can just call me Anthony. First name basis is better for friends to get to know each other." He smiles warmly. But for some reason it sends a shiver down my spine.

He stands up to leave, but I still have something else to ask him, "Wait! Who was the boy? Do I know him?"

"Oh heavens no! He is another afflicted patient I am afraid. But I would stay away from him if i were you. He's not all...there...if you know what I mean. If he sees somebody he likes, he pretends they have been close for years and he becomes almost obsessed with them. So please be careful, Thalia."

I gulp and nod. I had no idea he was crazy. He didn't seem crazy, his emotion looked so real. 

But looks are deceiving, however. For Anthony said i look like a nice girl...but I'm a psychopathic stalker.

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