Chapter 29

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Ahren bolts toward us like a lion pouncing on to it's prey. Kaius pulls me out of the way as Anthony tackles Ahren to the ground. An all out brawl breaks out between them. Although Anthony is a man, Ahren is extremely strong and at some points I see Anthony struggling to keep him back. 

I look at Kaius, flinching as he watches the fight. I can tell he wants to help, but he doesn't want to leave me alone.

Anthony gets an elbow to  the head and is knocked unconscious, Kaius can't hesitate any longer.

He turns to me and takes hold of my shoulders.

"I need to help him. Stay here. And if Ahren gets" He stresses the last word. 

Ahren gets on top of Anthony while he is a vulnerable position, Kaius charges over, grabs Ahren's shirt and yanks him off. 

For being such a slender boy I didn't expect such brute strength. 

I can't watch as Ahren and Kaius lay in to each other. It would be useless my going over to help, but I hate seeing people hurt. 

I glance back at the struggle just as Ahren shoves Kaius, making him trip over Anthony, fall and hit his head. 

I gasp and take a step forward to help. But soon realize, as Ahren turns his fiery gaze toward me, that I am alone with him. 

I dash to the elevator. Ahren catches up quickly and grabs my arm. Reacting out of instinct I elbow him in the stomach. Giving myself a few moments to get to the elevator and shut the doors. And only just in time. 

I try to catch my breath. I wish I knew why he was so desperate to get to me. Is he trying to kill me? Then why was he crying and hugging me when I first saw him?

I brush my hair out of my face and watch the numbers of the floors decrease. 6...5...4...

A loud bang from above scares the life out of me. Then a creaking noise getting closer and closer. 

He's climbing down the shaft.

I frantically press the 'door open' button as the elevator grinds to a stop. 

I dart out and along the corridor, not daring to look back.

I turn a corner and instantly run into someone. 

A girl, quite a bit older than me I think. With blonde hair and wearing a hospital gown like me. 

"You have to help me, I'm being chased!" I pant. 

"Oh, hello I think we have met before." She smiles.

"Have we?" 

"Yes, my name is Vanessa. I saw you in the lounge not long after you got here." She is still smiling, weirdly it's more creepy than consoling. 

"Uh, right. You have to help me, this boy is trying to get me! Please." 

"What boy?" 

"his name is Ahren, I don't know why he is chasing me, I just have to escape him," 

She leans closer to me, "Okay listen, I'm undercover CIA. In fact, I have a gun hidden in my gown. And I know jiu jitzu." 

I frown, "Seriously?" 

"Don't believe me? Here, look..." She reaches in to her gown, and ever so slowly, she brings out her hand mimicking a gun. 

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Vanessa...that's not-"

I'm interrupted by shouting coming from the hall way behind.


That's Ahren. 

"Vanessa, he's coming I have to go now. Thank you for offering to help." I say quickly, giving her a sympathetic look. 

As I run away I hear Ahren turn the corner behind me. I take a moment to glance back as Vanessa steps in Ahren's path.

He tells her to move, but she stays put.

When he tries to push her aside, she kicks him in the shin. Then looks back at me and gives me a thumbs up with a smile. 

As crazy as that girl may be, she seems to have a lot more humanity left in her than Ahren does.

I continue running up the hall way, checking for any empty rooms I can hide in. But Ahren is not stumbled for long. I soon find a large office-looking room with a small balcony. 

I shut the door behind me. There is a lock on the door but no key in the hole, so I search the desk in the middle of the room to find one. 

To my horror, I hear the door click open behind me.

I spin round, and there he stands. more rage on his face than I have ever seen on a human being.

I put my hands out in front of me as he slowly starts walking toward me. 

"Ahren...please...I don't know why you are after me, but please...whatever it is, we can work it out." I start backing my way around the desk. 

"You don't get it; you won't get it, because I took it away from you. My plan could have worked, but that stupid boyfriend of yours just won't give up." He still presses toward me, making me near the open glass doors to the balcony, "This could have been easier if you would just have loved me. But that's not going to happen, so I might as well end this."

"W-what do you mean..." My hair starts blowing in the wind as I step back on to the balcony. 

"I almost wish you could remember everything so I would enjoy this much more. You just look so innocent." His eyes soften at the last sentence, as he strokes a hand down my cheek.

Then in one swift move, he lifts me up and over the balcony. 

I manage to grab on to the edge. Holding on for dear life. 

The wind is so cold, but that is the least of my concerns at this moment.

Ahren leans over the banister and tried to pry my hands from the bars. 

I yell at him to stop but he is not swayed. 

Then in one last effort of hope, I stare at him with pleading eyes. And as his gaze meets mine, I see instant regret and anguish wash over my hand slips from the bar.

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