Chapter 31

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The house we arrive at is in a rural area a little outside the city. It's a very modern house with horse stables down the hill. There's even a pool. It's a very beautiful place.

Kaius hops out of the car and holds the door for me. 

"Do I live here?" I ask.

Kaius nods. He's beaming from ear to ear.

I have only just climbed out the car when a man and woman burst through the doors of the house and run towards me. 

They embrace me so tight. They're both crying. 

I pull back and look at them. 

Familiarity. Home. 

These are my parents.

They hug me tight again. 

"Avy, are you alright?" My mother brushes my hair out of my face and kisses me tenderly on the forehead.

I lean my head against hers. "I am now." I whisper.

I look to my Father. He looks ashamed.

"It was my fault this happened. I should have got rid of him sooner. I'm so sorry." 

I pull him in to a hug. 

"Whatever happened, I know you are not at fault. No one else is to blame but Ahren for his actions." I assure him.

My mother looks puzzled. She nears closer to Kaius.

"I thought you said she got her memory back?" She says quietly.

He looks disheartened, "I couldn't get to her in time." 

She nods solemnly then turns to me again, "No matter, we will help you get it back. But just know, you are safe now Avy." She rubs my shoulders. 

We go inside the house and my parents go in to another room with the police men to be updated on everything that has happened to me. 

The house is so much bigger on the outside than I imagined. We must be rich. I do remember Kaius saying my Dad was a Doctor. Or a scientist. One of those two. 

A golden retriever comes bolting along the hall way and knocks me off my feet. She is in my lap licking me and licking me. 

"Who's this?" I giggle.

"Maggie. Your dog." Kaius smiles.

"Looks like someones missed me." I kiss her on the head.

I decide to wander around the house. I expect Kaius to follow me but he doesn't. Maggie follows me instead.

There are so many windows. All with an amazing view of either the countryside, the pool, or the stables. I get to a room with a pink door and an 'A' on it. 

I push it open. 

A double bed under a large window; The bed is made but it looks done in a hurry. There's a vanity beside it with perfume bottles, hair ties and make up brushes strewn all over the place. A tall wardrobe to my right, almost bursting open with clothes. A single seat sofa with half-sewn dresses and designs draped over. 

Not what I would call a tidy room. But I can tell it's mine. I can feel it's mine.

I walk over to the wall next to the vanity. plastered with photos; Memories.

I have traveled a lot. Made friends in so many places. 

There are so many photos in which Kaius is included. Silly selfies, party pictures. And there are quite a few selfies of us in a hospital. We are both smiling, but Kaius is in a hospital bed. 

I look down at Maggie sitting beside me, "What are these photos about Maggie?" I say.

I hear my door creak open. It's as if he knew I was thinking about him. 

He leans against the doorpost and knocks like I haven't already noticed he's there. 

I laugh and signal him in the room. 

He stands and stares at the photos with me. 

I decide to ask him.

"What happened in these photos?" I point to the selfies in the hospital. 

"That was not long after my accident. They were doing checks on me." He smiles.


"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't remember haha. I was in a car accident years ago and uh, I can't see faces now. It's getting better though." He talks about it so nonchalantly.

"Oh. But you recognized it was me when you saw me back in the hospital, didn't you?"

"Ah, but you had your hair down. I can recognize people if they don't change things about themselves. My brain makes almost a mental note and can tell who they are. But say for example I saw someone I know in a place I wouldn't usually see them. My brain would get confused and I wouldn't be able to make out their face." 

"Ah Right. That's very unusual." 

"Yeah, it can be. But it's okay. It's just all a learning curve really. I've adapted to my situation."

I nod. We stand in silence for a bit. Just enjoying each others presence. 

"Listen...I think you should take it easy...-we should take it easy. Just for now- until your memories are back. I don't want to force you in to anything just because I know you. Because, for the moment, you don't know me. So don't feel any pressure. I'll just be a friend, here helping you recover." He grins.

I almost feel like kissing him. But then that would undermine everything he just said.

I smile, "I'd like that."

It's Monday morning. It's been a week since my return home. No sign of regained memories so far, but I am working on it.  

You may think I am foolish. But I have decided to do something today. And I am not telling Kaius about it because he'll worry. I'm just curious is all. But I am going to be cautious.

At the weekend I met my uncle, Trevor. Me and him are very close apparently. And I have asked him today to take me to the prison visiting center. To visit Ahren.

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