A Better Life(I)

323 19 16

26 January 2020

5.00 Am

Piya woke up by the so sound of alarm already ringing. She turn it off and look beside her  expecting to see him, but that side of bed was empty and cold as usual, no matter how early she gets up she would never get the chance to be greeted by the sight of her husband sleeping beside her.

She sighed and went to shower.
After finishing her bath she got dressed and went to kitchen and made herself a mug of coffee and a veg sandwich.

No she's lazy to cook herself a decent breakfast, it's just that she don't  like eating alone.

While shipping her coffee and enjoying the peaceful and calm scenery outside her large glass window Piya can't help but think about her life.

She met Abhay in first year of college, they gradually became good friends, well friend for Abhay cause in Piya's case it was a love at first sight.

Piya finally got the courage to proposed him on their prom night, she was  cloud nine  when Abhay accepted her proposal.

After completing their studies they got married. She can't explain the euphoric feelings she had that day.
Abhay started his own business while Piya decided to be the home maker.

Everything was going smoothly
until Abhay started getting more  and more engross in his work.

He started leaving early for office and getting back late.

She washed the coffee mug and started cleaning her already cleaned house.

Piya would never say out loud that she was hurt by the unwanted distance growing between them.

Her stupid heart hurts everytime when she didn't find her husband beside her in the  morning.

After waiting for whole long day she don't gets a single call  not even a  msg from her dear husband.

Don't get her wrong she knows how important work is but a little bit of love and  attention from her husband is too much to ask?

was she expecting too much?

Waking up in her husband's arms, having a decent breakfast with her husband like normal people or getting a goodbye kiss when he leaves for office was it too much to ask?

It's almost 2.00 PM when she completed cleaning the whole house, arranging the wardrobe and doing the laundry.

Call her a neat freak but she don't know how else to spend her time in this big and lonely house.

Piya wasn't a fan of socializing, so Abhay is the only one in her life.

Not only she miss him but also worried sick for his health.

Did he had his breakfast?

Does office servers a healthy lunch?

Is he getting proper break between his meetings.

Those thoughts keeps haunting her, but whenever she tried to call him, he would cut it saying he's busy or would just reply with a monotonous yes or no.

She finished washing her body again and took a short nap before cooking the dinner.... All her husband's favourite. In a hope that maybe today they will had dinner together.

Piya rushed towards  the door as she heard the sound of her husband's car.

She smiled brightly hiding her pain and opened the door in a hope that her husband will immediately embrace her and give a kiss.

But all her hope got crushed by none other than her husband who just entered and moved towards the stairs which leads to their room without even giving her a single glance, saying...

"I already had the dinner, don't disturb me I'll be working in my office."

Piya sighed as she looked at the untouched dinner she made for them.

That's what usually happens right?, she should have been habituated with the stinging sensation in heart right?

Then why does it still hurts?

Why her eyes  leaking?

May be Abhay doesn't loves her anymore. Maybe he found someone else who makes him happy.

Who would love a woman like her who is so unsocial and can't even bear a child.

She got into an accident few months ago her marriage, making her too weak to bear a child, but wasn't it Abhay who told her that no matters what he will always love her.

Maybe now he realised his mistake and regretting marrying her.

What will she do now? Maybe Abhay don't want her anymore? Maybe it's better to let him go.

No it wasn't easy for her, it feels like someone was ripping her apart.

She knew she won't survive without him but she can't be selfish, she loves Abhay and if his happiness is in someone else then she would let him go cause for her what matters more was his happiness.

Next morning she would talk  to him.

Even  the thought of divorce hurts her but she won't back off now , she don't want to hold back Abhay from his happiness.

And she drift to sleep  with dried tears on her face as usual.


Hey friends!!!

Unfortunately I'm still alive 😀
I'm not sure about the ending so please don't hate me if it come out to be a sad one🙏🙏

I hope you like this story.


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