Ch. 17 Suffocating The Embarrassment

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          "Sure," Toshinori replied with a slight smile tugging at his lips. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his red phone.  (Y/N) quickly followed his actions reaching for their own phone; only to realize that their phone was missing. Panic arose within them as (Y/N) felt around for their phone, the frantic searching soon became more intense; as (Y/N) tossed up the blankets and pillows, effectively burying themselves under the white sheets much to Toshinori's amusement.

          "Are you alright?" Toshinori asks with a slight chuckle. "I just remembered Tsukauchi has my has my phone in it," (Y/N) states embarrassed. "I am an idiot," they say falling back onto the hospital bed quickly grabbing a pillow and smothering themself with it. A slight chuckle could be heard past (Y/N)'s somewhat soft killer. Suddenly light flooded (Y/N)'s vision as Toshinori lifted the pillow up to reveal (Y/N)'s flushed face. Slightly shocked at the sudden intrusion of their death (Y/N) quickly grabs the pillow once again and covers their face again.

          "I don't think Naomasa would like it very much if you died by a pillow," Toshinori states with humor in his voice as he removes the pillow. His cheeks flush at the thought of (Y/N)'s embarrassment being somewhat cute. A slight smile adorned (Y/N)'s face as they sat up and fumbled their hand across the end table. Their facing lighting up as they grab hold of something and bring the object to their lap. It was a sticky note that had some barely legible words on it. Quickly reaching around and finding a pen, (Y/N) hands the pen and sticky note to Toshinori.

          "Here." (Y/N) excitedly pushes the sticky note and pen into Toshinori's hands. "Since I don't have my phone as of now, this will have to do and hopefully I don't lose it." Toshinori let off a light chuckle as he jolt down his number underneath the messy words.

          " that that is taken care of... I don't know what to say from here," (Y/N) laughed as they rubbed the back of their neck in embarrassment.

          "Well we know each others' names and we have each others' phone numbers... But there is something that is missing." Toshinori states propping his arm up on the bed and resting his angular face in his palm. "I barely know anything about you."

          "Oh." (Y/N) responds, taking a minute to respond. "Well I mean what would you want to know? I don't really think there is really interesting to know about me."

"I think you are very interesting."

"Oof. I don't know why you would think that,"

"I don't know many people that could pick up a grown man and a teenage boy-  well, I do actually but they are not your average everyday people."

"Welp, now you know one 'average everyday person' who can do just that," (Y/N) replied jokingly to Toshinori's confession. "Who are these uncommon people, though?" They ask quickly.

"...Well-I," Toshinori begins to reply but a knock at the door cuts him off. 

"Visiting hours are over," a voice rang from the other side of the hospital door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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Memerizing Artist~(Toshinori Yagi / All Might x Reader) {Undergoing Editing}Where stories live. Discover now