Ch. 15 Relationships

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             "Oh... sorry am I interrupting something?" Toshinori asks looking away from (Y/N) and Tsukauchi.

              "You're not," Tsukauchi replies pushing (Y/N) back on the bed. "Your lucky you didn't pull out any of the tubes, because then we would have to explain to the nurse who comes in to fix it, why," Tsukauchi states in an authoritative manner.

          "I have to go," Tsukauchi says pointing at the door. "Take care of (L/N)," Tsukauchi whispers as he pats Toshinori's shoulder briefly.

            Toshinori walked over to (Y/N) and sat down in the visitor chair. "I guess he left his coat," Toshinori stated as he stared at (Y/N).

             Looking at (Y/N) right now was kinda depressing for Toshinori. (Y/N) had bags under their eyes, and bandages all over their right thigh. Not to mention their messy hair and the gray hospital gown.

             "Tsukauchi will come and get it later," (Y/N) explains plainly. A few seconds passed with awkward silence. 

               "Hi to you as well," Toshinori greets rubbing the back of his neck. (Y/N) looks at Toshinori for a little bit, clearly confused. Realizing what he was talking about made (Y/N)'s eyes light up and their smile grow.

"You got my message?" (Y/N) asks with a smile on their face.

"Yes, Naomasa mentioned it to me the other day," Toshinori replies. It took a second to realize that he was talking about their detective friend.

"Cool..." (Y/N) replies not knowing what else to say. "How long have you known Naomasa?" (Y/N) asks suddenly.

"A few years ago," Toshinori answers.

"How about you?" He asks quickly.

"Since middle school, but we didn't talk to each other back then," (Y/N) replies in a casual manner.

"When did you become friends?" Toshinori asks putting his arms across his legs, leaning in slightly.

"The first year of high school," they reply propping the pillows up behind them so that they can lay back.

"That long..." Toshinori whispers to himself.

"Yep," (Y/N) responds, clearly hearing Toshinori.

"I have another question," Toshinori states.

"Ask away," (Y/N) replies.

"If you have been friends with Naomasa for so long, why do you still call each other by last names?" Toshinori asks.


"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Toshinori states slightly panicked that he had asked something too personal.

"It's just an old habit, nothing more," (Y/N) replies looking straight into Toshinori's eyes.

Memerizing Artist~(Toshinori Yagi / All Might x Reader) {Undergoing Editing}Where stories live. Discover now