Ch. 12 Pushing Buttons

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(Warning Violence)

             I haven't seen them in a while, (Y/N) thought as they sat at their stand. It has been weeks since she last saw Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. They could be on vacation, or they're busy. (Y/N) stands up and starts packing up their stuff. No point in worrying, (Y/N) thinks as they walk in the direction of the shopping district.

             (Y/N) walks around for a while looking at the many stores. A familiar café comes into (Y/N)'s line of sight. (Y/N) walks across the street towards the café. A bell rings as (Y/N) opens the door, that's new. The cashier smiles at them, (Y/N) walks over to the counter. Right before they are about to order, the chatting amongst costumers stops. The sound of chairs being shoved fills the room. (Y/N) looks around at the other people in the café...they look terrified. (Y/N) tries to turn around, but stops when they hear a click. A metal surface is being pressed to (Y/N)'s head. It's a gun.

              "NOBODY MOVE!" A harsh female voice rings out. The woman shoves (Y/N) down on the counter, pinning their hands uncomfortably behind their back. (Y/N) grits their teeth clearly annoyed.

             "YOU THERE...BARRICADE THE DOOR!" She yells using her gun to point at a man in his late 30s. He quickly obeys, shoving nearby chairs and tables to the doors. (Y/N) glances at the cashier who is searching for something under the desk. More force comes down on (Y/N)'s back.

                "GO GET THE MANAGER!" (Y/N) lets out a low chuckle, realizing that what the cashier was looking for was a button. A button that sends a signal to the police, and he found it. The cashier rushes into the back room.

"Huh...What so funny?" The woman asks digging her nails into (Y/N)'s hand. "Nothing..." they respond waiting for a siren.

Soon screeching sirens echoed all around. The woman started to panic "It was you! You did it!" (Y/N) just shrugged at the women.

"I will pull the trigger, don't think that I won't!"

"If you pull the trigger, you will be in more trouble. Threatening someone at gunpoint is assault, pulling the trigger is murder." (Y/N) felt the grip on their hands loosen.

Memerizing Artist~(Toshinori Yagi / All Might x Reader) {Undergoing Editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang