Chapter 2: Hospital

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~Your POV~

Everyone starts screaming in panic, obviously wondering why Logic passed out in the middle of the concert. I stood there in pure shock and concern, watching as the his manager closes the curtains.

Everyone who was at the concert was escorted out, and Logic was sent to the hospital. His security guards made sure that no one followed the ambulance to the hospital. I hope and pray that he's okay... even though I don't know him, I still care about him. This is the dude that saved my life.

~Bobby's POV~

I woke up at I don't know what time in the hospital. My head hurts so bad and the only lights that are on are the bathroom lights but it's still making my head hurt even more. I try to get up, but I feel so weak from being so tired. I just wanna get up to turn the light off that is causing my head to hurt even more.

As I'm still trying to get up, Chris comes in the room, the light from the hallway illuminates the room, causing me to groan in even more pain. "Sorry. When you fell you hit your head pretty hard off of the floor of the stage." Chris said as he closed the door. "Don't try to get up, we don't want you to hurt yourself again. You were diagnosed with a concussion."

I nodded. "Okay" said in a soft tone, clutching my head in pain, not even caring at the moment that I have a concussion, I just wanted something for the pain. "Can you please turn that bathroom light off and have a nurse come in here?" I said to Chris, in pain nearly crying because of how bad my head hurt. "Yeah sure be right back." He walked out to get a nurse for me, I just stayed in the same position, clutching my head because it hurt so bad.

A few minutes later, Chris came back in the room with a nurse who already had pain pills ready and a cup of water. "Here ya go. After you take your pills you should go back to sleep." I nodded at her as I took the pills. "What time is it and how long was I out?" Chris looked at me. "You were out since the concert which it was around 9 and it is now 5am." I sighed.

~Your POV~

After I went home, which was around 2 in the morning, I checked Twitter to see so many videos and tweets of Logic passing out on stage. The poor guy hit his head so hard on the stage. I hope he doesn't have a concussion, but I also wouldn't be surprised.

I went to check his Twitter for anything, but I forgot that he took a break from social media because of all the pricks making fun of him for being biracial. I start falling asleep, so I plug my phone in and go to sleep.

~The Next Morning~

~Bobby's POV~

I wake up at 11am, my head feeling much better, but it still feels like a headache. I decide to go get a shower. Once I get into the bathroom, I look at my appearance in the mirror. "I look like shit." I mumble to myself.

I strip myself of the hospital gown and get into the shower, letting the hot water run over my head, soothing my headache. I wash my hair and body after standing under the hot water for about 15 minutes. When I get out, I dry myself and wrap the towel around myself and walk out to look for normal clothes. I saw only hospital gowns but I didn't see any of my clothes.

I sighed as I put a clean hospital gown on, turn the bathroom light off and lay back in bed and turn the tv on and flick through the channels. It just so happens that Bobs Burgers is on. I love that tv show.

Word count: 672

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