Chapter 1: Shit Happens

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No one's POV

All that you wanted currently do in your bucket list was to go to a Logic concert and meet him. That was your dream, and you were so damn determined to go.

You get into your black SUV and drive to the store to get extra portable phone chargers and a few snacks for the next night. Once you get home, you plug in all 3 of your portable phone chargers and get a shower before going to bed.

~the next day~

Bobby's POV

I wake up around 9 something in the morning in the tour bus. (A/N: I'm just gonna assume that's what he sleeps in when he tours) "this bed is so uncomfortable" I say to myself as I get up and stretch, stumbling around because of the lack of sleep I've had, plus because I've been working my ass off. I go into the kitchen and sit down after making myself a bowl of lucky charms. I try rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, but it seems the more I try to wake up, the more I fall asleep.

I didn't even realize that I fell asleep at the kitchen table and I don't know how, but that's what I did. I woke up to my manager Chris gently shaking my shoulder. "Bobby wake up you have to get ready for tonight." I nod, yawning and stretching. He gives me a confused look. "And how the hell did you fall asleep here? You didn't even have your head on the table." I yawn once more. "I don't even know. All I know is that I didn't sleep well last night and I don't remember falling asleep here."

"Damn bro. After you get ready you should get yourself a coffee." I nod in response. "Okay. I will." I smile tiredly, getting up and yawning, heading to the bathroom.

Your POV

I wake up around 11:30 and go downstairs to get ready. I cook myself 3 scrambled eggs. After that I get my favorite merch of Logic on along with some black skinny jeans. I double check my wallet to make sure that my concert ticket is in it, which it is. I got a front seat ticket, plus a VIP pass!

I am so pumped to go, I just want the time to go faster, being that the concert starts at 8:30 and it's only now 12:30. I plan on leaving at 5 because it's a 2 hour drive but I'm leaving an hour early because of traffic and everything.

~time of concert~

Bobby's POV

Fuck I've had 3 coffees and 2 mountain dews and I'm still exhausted. There isn't any time for me to take a quick nap before the concert because it's already time. I go out, trying to have the same energy that I always have, doing great for the first 3 songs, which are Keanu Reeves, Limitless, and Homicide.

The exhaustion plus the extra moving around made me feel woozy, everything started to get blurry. Before I knew it, everything went black.

Word count: 516

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