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3rd Person POV
The team (minus lance) are talking in the meeting room, Lance had gone to train because nothing was happening that day. In the meeting room the team were all chatting when Allura announced "Ok Paladin! I have a treat for you! Since Galra activity has been low recently, we are going on vacation!!" The whole team cheered at the sound of vacation, it was a really stressful movement (month) for them recently and now they can get a break! Shiro starts to ask everyone where in the galaxy they wanted to go, after gathering information they reviewed the list, Keith wanted to go to some old training ground, Pidge wanted to go to a planet Aarowitch which had the most advanced technology in the galaxy, Hunk wanted to go to a huge and fancy restaurant, Shiro and Coran agreed to some bar the old paladins went to a lot, and Allura wanted to go to a Earth Museum, cause it's hard to be on a team with a a species that you do not know much about. Lance however was still training, unaware of what the others had planned, he decided to go out and he noticed most of the lights were off, he though aloud "Weird.." he then walked around noticing nobody was there, he starts to run around the castle crying out for any form of life, but there was nothing but the mice. Thankfully he bonded with the mice, he asked frantically "where is everyone?! Did the Galra catch them?!" The mice responded, lance looked shocked, "They went on a trip.. and wouldn't t even tell me..?" He was heartbroken, how could they forget him? Was he that annoying? He couldn't even contact them because they shut the castle down. He walked back to his room and cried, he thought of all the places he wanted to show them.

Around 12 Quintents later
All lance did was talk to the mice and cry, he was so heartbroken they forgot him.. they probably didn't even care about him..

The castle suddenly powered on and Lance ran to the control room and spied on them

They were all chatting happily about the trip, talking about the best moments, everyone unpacked and soon it was dinner, it was unusual for Lance to not talk during dinner, but he refused to include himself in the conversation. Hunk suddenly asked from across the table "Hey Lance! Your so quiet today! You are starting to look like Keith!" That earned a growl from Keith and a laugh from the rest "so what was your favourite part?" Lance wasn't sure what to say, he just said " Oh. I liked all of it" he put on a fake grin then excused himself from the table and ran to the roof of the castle, he watched the stars quietly. The team was confused, was Lance not having fun? Suddenly the mice came to Allura angry at her, "Why are you so mad mice?.... what? Check the list..? Ok.. Shiro can you open the list and go over it?" Shiro nodded and went over it, "there appears to be nothing wrong?" He reply's, the mice then say something and Allura says. "S-Shiro.. what did lance put down?" Shiro replied "He.. didn't.. why wouldn't he? He loves traveling!" Hunk then says quietly " Wait.. Lance wasn't with us that whole time and we never noticed.. he.. he's been at the castle the whole time?!" They looked at each other fearfully when Pidge piped up "The castle was on lockdown, meaning he hasn't eaten in 12 days... Oh my god.." They all get up and run to find Lance, before Keith yells "HES UP HERE!" Suddenly the team has surrounded Lance on the roof. Lance says "what's the rush guys?" Then he feels a small pair of arms around him, Pidge.. he then is swarmed in a cuddle pile, Allura says "Lonce I am so sorry.. you haven't eaten in 12 days and we forgot about you, yet here we were chatting about it.. please forgive us!" Lance looks surprised then laughs,

"No harm done, we are family after all!

(A/n) TEXT WHY DO YOU CHANGE FONT RANDOMLY!? Hope you enjoyed! Leave requests!

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