year thirteen

94 19 10

She couldn't take it anymore.

It didn't matter how much she tried. She just couldn't seem to be the person she wanted to be.

Every smile took more effort. The days dragged on and she soon hated getting out of bed. Her laugh was still the same but it was almost impossible to drag it out of her.

Still, she tries every day.

She smiles like she isn't breaking inside. She gets up every day, no matter how hard it was. She helps anyone she possibly can.

Her mum walks in just as she slumps down on the bed after a long day at school. "Hey, Princess. How are you?"

"I'm f- good." She has learned early on the word "fine" was not acceptable. It only made others worry more and she never wanted them to worry about her. They had their own concerns. "How are you, Mama?" she says brightly.

"Tired," her mother says, laughing. She sits down next to the girl. "Do you miss Luca and Via?"

The girl looks up to see her mum looking at the photos on her wall. "Every day."

It was true. Not long after Luca left, Via had to move away due to a job opening that her father had been after in the Americas.

"Maybe you can go to Cali and see him," her mother says.

The girl smiles a little at the thought. "Maybe. I'm going to take a nap, okay?"

Her mother nods and swiftly kisses her head. "I'll go make dinner then."

The girl waits until she leaves, her gaze focusing on the ring that sat on her middle finger. She doesn't know if Luca and Via still had theirs. She, however, has never taken it off since the day she got it.

"Luca," she whispers. "I miss you so much. Please come back to me. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you."

Nothing answers and she sighs.

It scarcely mattered anymore. The pain that used to come at the thought of him was now numb.

If she was going to be perfectly honest, almost everything was numb now. She can scarcely remember how it felt to hurt. Instead, all she felt was exhaustion. She isn't sure what she is doing anymore.

She needs something, but she isn't sure what. She's positive that Luka would have known what to do to help. He always knew what to do.

She flicks off the light, trying to fall asleep, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't.

Instead, she stares into the darkness, remembering the night she had read to it all those years ago. "I guess it's just us again, huh?" she asks.

She didn't realize how suffocating the dark was until it was too late.

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