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Her laugh was one that only a child could have. It was untainted by any sadness, the sound so infectious that it could make even the saddest person smile.

Anyone that looked on the girl would say that she was extraordinarily beautiful. Not because she had any defining features in particular. She didn't have a perfectly symmetrical face or have striking blue eyes. She didn't have an hourglass figure or tall, slim legs.

No. She had average chocolate brown eyes that could be seen as black or molten gold depending on the lighting. She wasn't exactly short but always found it necessary to crane her head up to look someone in the eye. She had thicker thighs than she would have liked, and a stomach that always seemed to bulge out, just a bit.

Even still, she was gorgeous.

Despite her very common looks, she could make anyone take a second glance at her in astonishment. She knew how to make an entrance in a way that would make people stop what they were doing just to watch her. Her brown eyes were always warm and full of life, making everyone second guess their favorite color.

Whenever anyone mentioned her, people would smile in recognition. They would tell a story about her smile, kindness, charm, and wit.

One day she would be volunteering at an animal shelter, and on another, she could be found shamelessly flirting at a party. She knew how to have a good time, and how to keep everyone on their toes. She knew what words to say to ease someone's pain, and knew when to stay away. She could read people like a book, knowing when to stay silent or when to speak out. She took people's secrets, locking them away inside her.

Everyone knew her. She was the girl who could be trusted. The girl who could make anyone smile. The girl whose voice was as smooth as honey. She was the teacher's pet, the best friend, the golden girl. She was the queen bee, the nerd, the drama geek. She was a darling, a sweetheart, a perfectionist. She was a lover, a daughter, a sister. She was everything and she was nothing.

As a whole, each person agreed that they could tell you anything about her. That was until someone asked a question that stumped everybody. It was such a simple question with an equally simple answer.

"What was her name?"

The words lay on the tip of everyone's tongue, yet as much as they racked their brains for the answer, they could not find it.

"Her name. What was it? Vanessa? Olivia? Or could it Elaine?"

They sat, thinking of the girl that they adored.

It was a pitiful sight indeed.

"What was it? Her name. The name of that girl."

Silence was the only reply.

Her NameWhere stories live. Discover now