Fade Away

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Request from therandomizr! Hope you enjoy!

Actually, before we get to the story, this is an au where Four is a wizard king ruling over the rest of the bfb contestants. Taco leads a revolution with a few other objects. She gets caught and is sentenced to death. So yeah!

The shackles were tough as steel. And that isn't a metaphor. They are literally made out of steel, and it effectively rendered Taco's hands useless. There were also some on her feet as well. She thought it was excessive, but not by Four's standards.

From behind, Book taunted her. "Serves your right, Taco. You don't dare abandon the righteous Four." (Uh, let's just pretend Book still hates Taco)

She ignored Book.

The click-clack of the shackles Taco wore were starting to annoy her. She didn't know why, it just did. Maybe because of the painful sound it made scratching against the surface, or maybe it was because she was about to FUCKING DIE. But who knows?

Book started talking again. "Only a completely useless moronic dumb robot would try to dethrone the almighty Four."

Taco's expression darkened. She scowled. "Delusional dumbass." She muttered.

Book might've heard it, and if she did, she showed no sign of it.

They kept walking down the long and large hallway, until they made it to two overly sized double doors that Book opened.

Taco walked inside, trying her best to stay calm and face Four.

Four had a smirk on his face. His posture was taunting her. He shifted his body to sit straight on his throne. "Good afternoon, Taco. How are you?"

Taco kept a stern face, but didn't look at him. "..."

Four laughed. "Ah, the silent treatment I see, well, let's just speed this up then." Four got up from his throne. Everyone in the room tensed up. It wasn't often Four got up from his throne during an event like this.

Taco tensed too. Four towered over her in height, and the dark look he had on his face scared her even more. A piece of sweat came from her.

Four cackled. "Don't be so afraid. This won't hurt at all." His expression darkened again. "I'm not a psychopath, like you think I am."

Taco stood strong.

Four moved behind Taco. Her blindside. Taco looked behind her. Four started lowering his hand. She lowered her head. And then.. he touched Taco?

She looked up. His face was still stern. He said something she couldn't figure out. Some other language. His eyes were closed. Something traveled through his veins, and it slowly transferred from his hand, to hers.

Once that was done, Four took a deep breath. He calmly walked back up to his throne.

Taco was confused. He didn't kill her. She didn't feel any different.

Book, who was to the right of Taco, was also confused, a little mad even. "Wh- King Four! Why didn't you kill her?"

Four slumped down on his throne. "I definitely did something to her. Now let her back into the town."

Taco couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"What! Release her? Why? She is a criminal!" Book shouted.

Four slammed his hands onto the rests of his throne. "Enough, Book! Release her or else." He growled.

Taco stepped back, intimidated and nodded violently. "Yes, of course, King Four!" She quickly grabbed Taco by the chains on her shackles.

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