**** sorry I tried but couldn't make the gif ^^ any bigger without cutting even more out of it 😭but it was too cute  NOT to try and make a gif of 😁****  I used Instagiffer to make it****

Rieka and Riddick stare at the girl who just got shot by the bounty hunters as she lays on the ground bleeding before her Rieka starts to walk over to her but Riddick grips her wrist "I'm not going to let her die like that!"  Rieka says softly "wh...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Rieka and Riddick stare at the girl who just got shot by the bounty hunters as she lays on the ground bleeding before her Rieka starts to walk over to her but Riddick grips her wrist "I'm not going to let her die like that!"  Rieka says softly "who's getting soft now!?!"  Riddick teases with a small smirk Rieka slides her wrist out of his grip cups some sand into her hand and places it over the girls heart Riddick watches in awe as the sand works it's way through the hole the bullet left, pulls out the bullet reattaching everything the bullet went through fixing it so that it was like she never got shot to begin with the girl gasps and starts to stand but stops when Rieka places her hand on the girls arm and whispers "wait!"  then they hear a male voice say "the name is Santana! shot-caller for this crew right here! I am the guy who knows all, sees all, beats all.... I've come all this way to collect your head in a box! right here! so have yourself a fine day now, Mr. Richard B. Riddick! I suspect it will be one of your very last!"  the girl stares up at Riddick with wide frightened eyes as Rieka lets out a short chuckle then she tells the girl "you're going to have to trust me!"  the girl nods then Rieka whistles lowly and the girls eyes widen in fear when the pup walks over then around her and gently grips her arm with his teeth and drags her into the shadows then they hear another ship enter the planet "hey Rid!"  Rieka says Riddick looks at her and she holds out a set of earphones that look like they belong to the com station "just in case you're curious"  she adds he chuckles then takes one of them from her and places it in his ear "we'll head back to the cave.... you have your fun!"  she tells him he smiles then kisses her lips the girl looks at them in surprise but doesn't argue as Rieka leads her to a "safe spot".... "feel better!?!"  Rieka asks Riddick the next morning he grips the back of her neck pulls her to him kisses her lips and replies "you tell me!"  then he asks "why did you save her!?!"  she replies "she was given a chance to run not to fight and everyone deserves a chance to fight!"  he kisses her again and they hear the girl say "ugh.... will you two get a room!"  Rieka turns to face the girl she saved and replies with a smile "kinda hard to do in here"  the girl looks around and says "you're probably right"  Rieka tosses her the shiv Riddick won before he became Lord Marshal and says as the girl catches it by the handle "like I said.... you're on your own from here on out.... you can take your chances and try to sneak aboard when one leaves for home or Riddick kills both teams so you can steal a ship of your own either way you fight or you die.... again!"  the girl nods then leaves taking the shiv with her.... a few hours later Riddick and Rieka sit on one of the ships sharing the pistachios and listening to the banter below them "Luna! don't watch me watch my back that's what you're here for take two steps forward two remember, he could be anywhere"  they hear one of the mercs below them say "he's cute!.... please don't tell me he's a girl playing a boy again I don't think I could handle another member of your imitation fan club!"  Rieka teases playfully Riddick laughs then he opens a small hole in the top of the ship and sneaks a peek at the inside with the small mirror he stole from the girl washing herself in the bathroom without her noticing until it was too late and he notices that a node is missing from inside the ship and he lifts the mirror back up, closes it then the top of the ship back up "stay here!"  Riddick orders then he hops off the ship and heads into the building.... "that looks dangerous!"  Rieka says softly as she stands behind Riddick while he kneels on the roof of the building looking down a skylight he looks up at her and says "I thought I told you to stay put!"  she replies with a playful tone "I got bored!.... and I missed you!"  he chuckles as she continues "I also knew that if I left without telling you you'd wonder where I went so I figured my best bet would be to follow you halfway.... plus I'm female.... when do we ever do what we're told!?! especially by a man!"  he laughs she bends down and kisses his lips then he opens the window and slides into the building quieter than a mouse a half a minute later he was back up on the roof he hands Rieka one of the nodes then takes her hand and they run off the merc base their pup sees them running towards him then runs to them and joins them on the run then guards them as they hide the nodes he growls at the storm cloud as it comes closer "I know it's coming"  Riddick says softly as he pats the pups side with one hand and wraps his other around Rieka's waist....

You Are My Alpha I Am Your Omega: In Love With The Darknessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें