💥Crash And Burn🔥

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OC's name meaning

Rieka pronounced: RIY-KAH, rie-ka, ri-eka, REE-ka meaning: "power of the wolf; power of the home" origin: Old German

They say most of your brain shuts down in Cryosleep.... not mine mine stays awake I SEE everything, I HEAR everything, I FEEL everything, I SMELL everything, at times I TASTE everything.... depending on what's in the air you know those "smells so strong you can taste them" kinda thing.... and I KEEP MY EYES OPEN.... I blame my lack of trust in humans I don't even know what made me do a stupid thing like this take a ride on a ship full of PEOPLE but I NEEDED to get off the planet I was on I was gaining to much attention all the WRONG kind of attention from far to many ASSHOLES who THINK they are men..... I usually sneak aboard cargo ships that have a limited amount of people on it just junk and the crew paid to fly it where it needed to go.... I didn't care WHERE I went I LOVE seeing new places I also like being left alone and have always preferred animals to people..... I also got along better with animals over people ESPECIALLY the "dangerous" ones, the SURVIVORS.... luckily on this ship that I'm on now I was able to gain a Cryo Chamber in the furthest end of the ship.... which might not have been my smartest idea now that I have to go through this SHIT.... whoever is the captain of this ship is he.... or she is TERRIBLE at their job..... why did I even let them PUT me in this STUPID thing!?!.... I shut off everyone's voices as soon as I heard them..... though the Arab man sounded nice.... there was a scent I kept smelling a scent that stayed with me, SURROUNDED me strong, masculine, GOD there is no proper way to describe his scent but it is one of the sexiest scents I have EVER smelled and I wondered about the animal it belonged too and hoped to meet him which is something I have NEVER wanted to do before.... I remember hearing something that sounded like gunshots going through the hull of the ship and into one of the Cryo Tanks.... not HIS thank the Stars.... there was the sound of a woman grunting as her tank opened and she jumped out.... or fell who's to say.... there was another sound of someone else jump/falling out of his tank next thing I remember is heat.... the feeling of scorching heat as we hit the atmosphere of some planet the crunching sound of the long fat ship falling apart as it speeds closer to the planet itself then the purge.... the sense of falling into a never ending abyss as half the ship disintegrated and my tiny claustrophobic prison flew back with it I didn't care I knew I would survive I ALWAYS survive.... the bare desert of a planet was beautiful in its own way and it had three suns which in itself might be a bad thing for a world without darkness is dangerous.... I knew that if I had any hope of getting off this planet and finding a more "livable" one I had to go in search of whatever was left of the ship or hope that there was another one somewhere..... which I doubted.... I punched my way through the door of my prison breaking it open the door flies high up into the air as I sit up and grip the edges of the door frame then push myself up and out of it then begin my trek following the trail of debris towards wherever the ship landed and that's how I met HIM.... bald, muscular with eyes like the Milky Way Galaxy his animal side completely awake as he attacks without thinking and I block every move he makes which makes me wonder if he's testing me but instead of anger for the first time in my life I felt AROUSED by him, his movements, his scent, his eyes.... I had pulled his goggles of mid fight.... which are one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and I have seen many beautiful things.... he tilts his head at me curiously then he spoke oh my God what a voice a deep huskily sexy sensually smokey tone "who are you!?!"  I reply pointing to the trail behind me "lost and not so precious cargo"  he lets out a short soft chuckle "I am known as Rieka"  I tell him "Riddick"  he replies with a raised eyebrow "so.... do you greet everyone like that or am I just special!?!.... not that I mind I needed a good workout after just about breaking my fists opening the door to the Cryo Chamber"  I ask he laughs I hand him back his goggles with a smile he seemed to not even realize they were off for he looked at me in surprise as he takes them and puts them back on "sorry I believe in looking your opponent in the eyes when you fight and I couldn't see them behind those"  I tell him he smiles I kneel down and place my hand on the ground sliding it along the sand "do you feel that!?!"  I ask he looks at me oddly then copies my movements and asks "what is it I should be feeling!?!"  I reply "we're too far away from the rest of the ship's people so something must live down here.... lots of somethings!.... they move quick which makes little tremors within the sand I've always believed a world without darkness is a dangerous thing but this might be just as or perhaps even more so after all.... why haven't they come to the surface!?!"  he looks up at me "I suppose we should be on our merry little way.... you having a little fun with the crew or do you actually care about those left behind?!"  I ask he smiles I start walking towards the ship and he follows....

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