A Fighting Chance 🤜🏻😵🤛🏼

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"One rule"  Riddick says as he and Johns pull out their shivs Johns looses his almost right away "stay in the light"  Riddick says as Johns falls to the ground Johns gets back up and attacks kicking Riddick's ankle making him fall onto his back Riddick grips Johns wrist as Johns tries to stab him with a shiv he picked up off the ground "remember that moment"  Riddick says softly as he moves the shiv away from his face along with Johns.... who still had a hold of it.... arm he knocks Johns off him then spins so that he was now above him picking up the shiv that once again fell to the ground the two men stand up and Riddick slices Johns back with the shiv Johns falls to the ground "should've never taken the chains off Johns you were one brave fuck before you were bad-ass the chains, the gauge, the badge I told you to ghost me"   Riddick says as the flare goes out and he backs into the darkness Johns tries to reload his gun then stands up "you want a meal?!.... go on!.... get your fill!"  Rieka says to the creatures in their language "leave the bald one for me!"  she adds as they walk around her and head towards Riddick and Johns they smell Johns blood and go straight for him Riddick ends up standing right next to Rieka and once again he didn't even realize she was there as they both watch Johns get killed by one of the creatures he feels her grip his hand as the creature uses it's head as a battle ax and cuts into Johns head he looks over at her in surprise then smiles as he feels her pull him towards the rest of the group who were heading back to the ship.... Carolyn gasps as she comes face to face with Riddick who stares down at her "back to the ship huh? just huddled together until the light burns out"  Riddick asks "at least they'll be warm!"   Rieka whispers Riddick smiles "what!?! body heat does wonders when..... oh!.... right!"  Rieka whispers then Riddick continues "till you can't see what's eating you that's the big plan?"  Imam asks "where's Johns?"  Riddick looks at him and asks "which half?"  Jack says "we're going to lose everybody out here"  Rieka replies "not sure why you want to keep him he wanted Riddick to kill you and use you as bait this way you have a two second chance of a head start there's a whole horde out there who is still hungry and now that they have something other than each other to feast on they're not going to waste this chance!"  Carolyn looks at her with a expression that asks "really!?!" "honesty is better than lies and I rather give it to her straight!"  Rieka says with a shrug they hear the chirp of the creatures then look at Rieka in shock when she chips back Rieka shrugs Riddick smiles then says "he died fast if we have any choice that's the way we all should go out"  he leaves Rieka's side walks over to Jack places a hand on her shoulder and says "don't you cry for Johns don't you dare"   getting the sense that the group might not want her there Rieka backs into the darkness as Riddick walks on and the group follows him....

**** I put the video here ☝🏼 because I did a HORRIBLE job describing the battle between the two muscle men😜****

Rieka walks up behind Riddick as he checks over a skeleton of one of the creatures she feels his body quiver excitedly as she slides the tips of her fingers along his muscles from shoulders to hip "don't you go nowhere!"  he calls over his shoulder at her "and ruin my chance to spend some quality alone time with you!.... though with the way you're checking out this skeleton I think I should be jealous!"  she replies he laughs then says "FINALLY!"  she asks "so.... did you find it!?!"  he turns his head and looks at her she picks up a piece of the creatures bone that had broken off and places it up against the part of the skeleton it had broken off of her chest presses itself up against his back as she held the bone up against the skeleton he looks at the piece she placed back together then the matching piece on the other side then straight ahead "do you see it!?!"  she whispers softly into his ear as her chin makes itself at home on his shoulder and her lips gently brush up against his lower earlobe her and warm breath flows over it "blind spot"  he whispers he feels her back away then hears Imam ask "shall we pray together?"  he turns his head and looks at the man "come Rieka join us!"  Imam says "can't hide nothing from you preachers huh Imam!?!"  Rieka teases as she comes out of the darkness back into the light Imam chuckles Riddick and Rieka sit down next to each other Imam sits on the other side of Riddick as he says "I have already prayed with the others it is painless"  Riddick replies as he ties a rope onto the power cells "it's pointless"  Imam says "because you do not believe in God doesn't mean God does not believe in you"  Riddick replies as he continues to tie the rope "think someone can spend half their life in the slam with a horse bit in their mouth and not believe? think he can start out in some liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and not believe? you got it all wrong holy man I absolutely believe in God and I absolutely hate the fucker"  he looks over at Imam who shakes his head and says "he is with us nonetheless"  Rieka replies "you can pray FOR us!.... I've never really been one for prayer either then again there are so many religions with too many God's you never know which one you're truly praying to!"  Imam smiles at her "two of your boys are already dead how much faith do you have left father?"   Riddick ask Imam clenches his teeth "we should join the others"  Rieka says standing up "yes we should"  Imam replies grateful for the change in topic he and Riddick stand up then follow her over to the rest of the group....

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