He chuckled lightly again, but I couldn't quite make out his face as his huge wings stretched out more than  25 feet. They moved slightly and folded behind his back, showing the pitch black, beatiful feathers which were covered with black razor sharp metal at the ends.

"Such a feeble attempt." He turned to face me, taking my breath away when I could make out his face. I'd expected scars and black marks, maybe even fangs and horns but this was something else entirely. He had thick dark eyebrows, red glowing eyes that created warm shadows on his toned features. His cheekbones were very defined and his mouth was pale, not even a rosy tint to either that or his cheeks. "It takes courage though." he shrugged.

"Give me back my jedi." I growled.

"Who are you supposed to be?" He continued, ignoring my request and looked down on me as he folded his hands behind his back, walking around me in a circle and inspecting me.

"Lyanna Stormrage." I growled through my teeth as I narrowed my eyes at him, trying not to look scared. "I demand that you free-"

"I think I gave you the wrong impression of the situation my dear." he stopped dead in his tracks. "You are in no position to demand anything."

"I am the Val'kyr." All the frustration and anger in me replaced the fear that was previously dominating. "By Valerian law you must obey my commands." this made him raise his eyebrows slightly, but no comment ensued. "Where are they?!" I pressed on, grasping my sword in my hands tightly and raised it before my face.

"Stormrages." Arthas chuckled as he continued to circle around me. "Always demanding things." He rolled his eyes. "So tell me, are you Eric's granddaughter? Or did he marry another woman after I killed his first?"

"I am adopted."

"Congratulations, dear Lyanna." He made a small bow, making me drop my guard in confusion. "You've earned a quick death." he smiled. Before I truly realized what he had said he had charged towards me. I managed to raise my sword just in time to parry his attack, the edge of his black sword just inches before my face. My eyes darted to his, which were filled with joy it seemed as his grin grew even wider. 

With one move he extended his other arm and another sword immediatelly formed. He quickly tried to stab me in my belly, luckily I had jumped backwards and avoided his other sword. As I turned around I gained momentum, and put all the energy in another move forward with my fist. Flames emitted and burned the side of his face. 

"Ouch." He simply mumbled with the burned side turned away from me. I waited in anticipation as he slowly turned towards me, but instead of scorched, burned flesh I saw it healing quickly and returning back to normal. 

"Aidan." My whole body was trembling as I stepped backwards slowly, my eyes trained on Arthas's smug grin. He continued to walk towards me with large, confident strides. "You should run." 

Arthas took another swing at me but instead of parrying it, I jumped out of the way. There was no way that I could block it, not with the strength he had. My only advantage was in speed and size, the only chance I had at surviving being hiding. When I dodged his attack Arthas grew tired of trying and used the force to knock me over on the ground, my back colliding with a wall behind me. 

With my back against the wall I tried to get up but black, smoky hands emerged from the ground, grasping around my arms and legs. I tried to yank free or burn those hands but my attempts were in vain. Their hold only tightened and pushed me against the cold hard stone. 

"Your jedi will die in agony." Suddenly Arthas's calm face contorted into one filled with rage as his eyes glowed darker and more fiercely as he walked closer. "I will tear them apart limb by limb until they beg me to end their lives and then-" he held up one finger in the air. "I will make them watch as I destroy their republic right in front of them." He then knelt down in front of me, his eyebrows furrowing togeter.

The Valkyrie (Obi-Wan x OC) completedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя