Chapter 7: The prison

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"Be careful!" I snapped in annoyance when the trooper behind me pushed me forward again. We were in the prisons which were located on the far side of the castle. It was completely underground, leaving little light in the cold, gloomy halls.

They pushed me inside one of the cells, almost making me fall down to the floor. I turned around after having regained balance and glared at them. One of the two unlocked the shackles around my wrist while the other kept his gun pointed at me.

"Have a nice stay, princess." One of them snickered after having closed the door and walked away.

"You will regret this!" I yelled after him. The only thing it did was making the two troopers standing guard before the cell chuckle to themselves.

"What are you laughing at?" I snapped as I plumbed down on the ground, folding my legs before me. I huffed, blowing a strand of my hair that had fallen before my face away.

"Val'kyr?" A voice called from the shadows. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to see through the darkness. It was a rather large cell, made for beasts and other large organisms. Most likely the other cells were either blown to pieces or they didn't know how to use the security system.

"Stefan?" My eyes widened as I stood up immediately after seeing his golden hair appear from the shadows. "Stefan!" I laughed in relief and ran up to him, almost taking his breath away by a bone crushing hug.

"Careful there, doc." He patted my shoulder as he chuckled.

"You look terrible." I stated as I scanned his body. His armor was either absent or completely penetrated and dented. There was dirt covering his skin and wounds, mostly on his arms.

"Not as bad as them." He nodded at something behind me, making me turn around.

"Bloody hell." I mumbled when around 6 people emerged from the shadows, eyeing me carefully. "What happened?" I turned towards Stefan after seeing their injured bodies.

"Well, we tried to hold the perimeter. Seems those jedi are a bit more persistent than we originally thought." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Val'kyr."

"It's not your fault, Stefan." I laid my hand on his arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm just happy to see you alive and well." My eyes wandered through the cell.

"Help me." A voice begged from the far corner. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw him. His whole chest was bandaged with dirty rags moist with blood, his face almost as pale as snow.

I immediately ran towards him and knelt down before him, laying my hand on top of his head to check his temperature. "What's your name, soldier?" I tried to keep him talking after noticing that his temperature was way too high. Knowing that that most likely meant that his wounds were infected, I unbound the bandages.

"Stefan!" I glanced at him as my hands fiddled with the cloths. "Get me some water, now!"

"It's... Eugene." He mustered out as he winced in pain. He pushed himself up the wall, closing his eyes in agony.

"Here." Stefan handed me a bucket of water, kneeling down on the other side of Eugene.

"What the hell happened?" I ripped a piece off of my trousers, dipping it in the ice cold water and then over Eugene's chest.

"It was an explosion." Stefan told me as he aided me with cleaning his wounds. "He got hit by the shrapnel." He clarified. "We tried to get as much of it out of him but we don't have much to work with."

"Well, his wounds are infected which either means that you didn't clean it well enough or that there's still a piece of shrapnel in there." I bit my lip after seeing almost 6 entry wounds in his chest, one dangerously close to his heart.

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