➱ Chapter 3

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Arc - Practice Match

Definition :
天使 (Tenshi) - Angel

Today I felt very happy. Yachi didn't think I was disgusting,
But instead cool. It warmed up my heart, because I finally had a friend who thought that way. Today was the day where I was going to have the practice Match,
With the other first years. But for some reason, Sawamura-Senpai said I don't have to do it because my skill has already been proven.

I was a little sad by that, but a least I get to watch. Since it was a after school match I say goodbye to Yachi and make my way to the gym. Holding my shoes in my hand, I put my indoor shoes and walk into the gym. The first person I see is Kiyoko, the manager of the team. She is a third year, being honest she is quite pretty.

I wave to her, "Good Afternoon Kiyoko." She flinches a little. "Oh good Afternoon Sukhoi, did you come to watch the practice Match? " I nod. She then Pats the space next to where she is sitting. I then go sit down next to Kiyoko. Looking around I then hear I loud scream, "Kiyoko why are you letting that boy sit next to you!?" Oh, it's Tanaka. The let's out a very small sigh, "He has already been added to the team and is going to watch, so I offered for him to sit next to me..." The poor girl seems a little uncomfortable.

Then after ignoring Tanaka's kind of intimidating face, I notice Kageyama and Hinata come in. I wave at the two, "Hi Kageyama and Hinata..." The two notice and wave back, Hinata then walks over to me. "Aren't you going to play Sukhoi?" Hinata asks. "Sawamura said I don't have to play, because I already proved myself."

He then nods. I then decided to walk up to Kageyama, and ask "Did you practice with the information I told you Kageyama?" He nods, "I-It was quite helpful, I guess..."
I let out a smile, "Well that's good then." A second right before I was going to walk away I hear a familiar voice. Saltyshima. "Looks like the king is making friends, with a true royal." He let's out a smirk.

Right as I turn back around Kageyama has an outburst. "Don't call me that!" Tsukishima snares, "Okay then." He walks away with Yamaguchi following behind him. I mumble under my breath, "Saltyshima is always gonna be salty. And what does he mean by me being a true royal...?" I continue to mumble back to my seat next to Kiyoko. As I then take a seat, I notice Suga and Sawamura come in. "Good Afternoon Senpais." I wave, and they wave back. Suga then shines his motherly smile again, I think it just pierced my heart...

Waiting for the match to play out. I finally hear Sawamura scream Something, "The practice Match is going to start, I'll be playing with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. And Kageyama and Hinata will play with Tanaka!" I then see Hinata pout, Sawamura was able to read him before he could say anything. "Tanaka is one of our best players so don't worry!" Tanaka then says, "Yeah don't worry you got me!" The second year then shines a bright smile at the two first years.

The whole thing starts, I take out my hair as to how the small ponytail was staring to come out. I am just going to leave it out. Ignoring my hair I watch the game. Even though Hinata had barely had played the sport volleyball. He some how manged to do a monster quick attack, after spiking Kageyama's set. It was Amazing if I was being honest with you.

Being honest I can jump even higher than Hinata just did. Meaning that your spikes were killer.

This is how you became the Ace at my middle school anyway...
Hinata amazed you because such a small bean is able to hold that much energy. Well Kageyama... That's a different story, so is Saltysaurus. I had found out the reason Tsukishima called Kageyama 'king'.

His own teammates gave him the name, because of his forceful sets and not very coordinated attitude. But I can definitely say that's not the Kageyama I know. He's really just a cute little volleyball dork who likes blueberry milk.

Tsukishima is quite tall so he would serve as a middle blocker on his own words. But I know he doesn't play just for the heck of it, but for something else more personal I feel. Ah, I shouldn't even be worrying about that dino obsessed dork.

After the talk with myself, it turns out the game ended in a tie. I could clearly see that everyone playing was quite tired. Looking over I see Kageyama and Hinata glaring at each other, I then decided to walk over to them.

I ruffle their hair, "You two both playing well...!" I say shining them a smile. Hinata then says "Thanks Sukhoi!" I look over to see Kageyama try to smile, "T-Thanks..." In my head, his smile is kind of scary, or at least when he try's to. "Kageyama when you try to smile, you look even more intimidating..." I say, he looks away kind of Flustered.

"Any(gays)way I should get going its getting late. Bye you two..." I wave walking towards the door, talking off my indoor shoes and putting on my other shoes. Then saying "Good night everyone...!" Everyone turns around and I manage to get, "Good night Sukhoi!" Except from Slatysaurus of course.

I then head out with bag on hand ready to go home.

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