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Waking up I literally rolled out of bed, my blankets and pillows falling onto the floor with me.

"Rapunzel Corona get your ass down here!" I cringed at the harsh voice of my roommate and best friend, Merida Dunbroch.

You know, I actually am a morning person, but I just really hate my boring job... I love painting and drawing, but no, instead I'm stuck working as a scanned documents typist. Basically I type up reports and documents that have already been scanned for the archives.

Fun, I know.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back, groaning I stood up and stretched out with a yawn.

I tiredly took a quick shower and dressed in black high waisted jeans, a white collared shirt and black Nike trainers with a black zipper to match. The only thing I really wear with any personality is my necklace. It's a simple heart, but with an emerald in the top right corner. I applied slight foundation, lip balm, the smallest amount of mascara and some natural toned glittery eyeshadow, only being noticeable by the glitter as it matched my skin. I was ready. I left my golden hair down, but it was slightly wavy as I had plaited it last night. Even still, it flowed down to my waist.

I bounded down the stairs, my phone in my back pocket with my headphones. I was greeted by my best friend, the fiery red head herself, Merida.

"Finally! Thought for a second I'd have to drag your ass outta that bed myself." She exclaimed over dramatically, acting as if I was the more stressful of us two.

It may not seem like it, but Merida is actually not a morning person. The only reason she's up early is training. She's representing her home country Scotland in the Commonwealth games this year and has been training non-stop. Compared to her physique I'm just a potatoe.

As usual she was dressed in dark green Nike leggings, and a black Nike tank top. To match she had on her her black Nike trainers, similar to mine, and a black hoodie tied around her waist. Her bout of bright ginger curls was semi-tamed and pulled back into a high ponytail, but a few stubborn strands fell loose, framing her pale round face.

"Shut up. You actually like what you do. I'm stuck in the most boring job on the planet!" She snickered and handed me a granola bar.

"Bon appetite! Now, hurry up because if your fired I'm gonna have to look for another roommate." Just like that she shoved me towards the door.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys I took a bite of the granola bar and left the house, hopping into my silver BMW M6. I turned on the radio and headed to work.

After the forty-five minute journey I parked in the staff parking lot and entered to be greeted by Mavis.

Mavis was a sweet girl. She was still an intern but everyone loved her, she was always curious and asking questions. At only nineteen she and I got along well, given I was only twenty-two.

"Rapunzel!" She waved to me and ran up, crushing me in a hug. Mavis had sleek and straight jet black hair cut to just below her face. Mavis had big deep blue eyed that made the boys fall at their feet, and to contrast her hair she had a pale complexion, like she avoided any contact with the sun. She always wore darker make-up and had unusual vampire teeth.

"Hey Mavis. How's it going?" She grinned up at me and quickly dragged me to my office.

"Johnny asked me on a date!!!" She squealed happily as I put on a fake smile.

"That-that's great Mavis." Of course I was happy for Mavis, but when I tell you that my lesbian cousin has had more interactions with males than I have, I'm not even exaggerating.

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