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I don't even know where to begin. Firstly, I'm so sorry I've neglected this story for so long! I've recieved some really lovely comments and I've not been responding, so I'm sorry for that too! I have been trying to update over the past few months but, truthfully, I haven't really felt any inspiration for this storyline and whatever I have written has been deleted, because I haven't been happy with it.

The Graduate has now surpassed 14,500 reads which is completely INSANE. Thank you so so so much to everybody who reads and continues to support my story, despite the fact that I'm beyond hopeless at updating! 

I really do want to continue with this story, but I'm interested to know what you'd like to see happen in the next few chapters. I need inspiration - you guys inspire me so let me know in your comments what you want from this story and I will take your words on board! Any characters you'd like to see more of? Any particular events? Let me know!

Thank you again for all you've done for this story! I love to read your comments and I'm so grateful for them! 

I will update The Graduate soon! 

Millie x

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