Chapter One ~ The Suffering Education

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Teegan's POV:

I can’t seem to remember how Santana had convinced me to attend McKinley. I was perfectly fine in New York. Rachel and Kurt had made it a pretty useless bid to try and convince her otherwise; they’d also chosen to argue on behalf of my ‘suffering education’. 

 “You’re going to Lima, Teegs. End of discussion.” Santana’d said. “You need to graduate. Life doesn’t just hand you opportunities, take it from me. I practically sell my sand-bag boobs for money.”

“You’re not exactly a harlot, Santana." I'd responded, earning a chuckle from her which I'd matched instinctively.

I didn’t feel obliged to graduate, school had never mattered to me. But ever since I’d moved in with Santana, she’d made it clear that she feels obliged to play the mother-figure in my life; seeing as I’d left our real one in Lima last year.
She and Santana haven’t spoken in over a year now; and I’d much rather go without a parent than without a sister. Although she hadn't agreed with me leaving home, Santana agreed to let me move in with her in New York.
She is my best friend, always has been. Whereas my mother is a judgmental sleaze, who disowned her own daughter for being a proud homosexual. 


“Trust me, Teegs.” Santana says as we roll in to the parking lot. “This will all be worth it when you graduate.” 
I hate to admit that I’m somewhat relieved to be coming back to Lima. I have no interest in contacting my mother but, maybe I’ll make something of my life if I graduate with a few good grades; as opposed to sleeping on a sofa in New York and serving coffee to sleaze-balls in Starbucks. 
I only nod in response to Santana’s statement; I still don’t agree with being here whilst she’s in New York. She chuckles in the drivers seat.
“Quit pouting.” she grins as she clicks off the ignition. She jabs me in the ribs and a grin forms on my lips.

 “Jackass.” I chuckle, she mimics my expression. I’m going to miss her smile.

 "Don't sweat it, Teegs." She smirks, placing a hand on my forearm. "Anybody who tries to mess with you will back the hell away as soon as they learn your last name."

 "How much of a bitch were you in high school?" I grin, earning a jab in the ribs as Santana shakes her head in amusement.

 "I just have a reputation, baby." She winks as she swings her legs around to step out of the car.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to call Mom?” She asks as I step on to the pathed concrete. I rack my brain for a decline as her heels click around the car and she appears beside me.
“Look, you and I would both rather you stay with Brittany but, just because I’m not speaking to Mom doesn’t mean that you don’t have to.” She gives me a small smile and I shake my head in response. “Well, I’ll drop your stuff at Britt’s.” She smiles warmly, before planting a long kiss on my forehead and wrapping me in a tight embrace. “I love you, okay? I’ll call you tonight.”

  “Love you too.” I give her a small smile as she makes her way back around to the drivers side. “Drive safe.” I say and she nods, humming the engine. We exchange a final wave and smile before she pulls away from the school, leaving me to stand before my newest obstacle. 

 Hello, high school.


“Teegs?” A familiarly blissful grin greets me as Brittany throws her arms around my shoulders and plants a kiss on my temple.

“Hi, Brit.” I chuckle in to her shoulder, earning a smirk when I step away.

“Long time no see, baby girl.” she grins, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me down the hall. I nod in response and match her smile. “Did Santana bring you?”

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