Chapter Four ~ Consequences & Decisions

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"Teegan." Brittany murmurs. I can tell just by the sound of her muffled tone that she is beneath her pillows. It takes me a moment to realise why she sounds so unreasonably groggy.
"Teegs." She whines. I chuckle softly and rub at my eyes, before sitting myself against the headboard and reaching for my shuffling cellphone.
When my eyes trail down the list of missed calls and texts, I furrow my brows at the familiar names; four missed calls from Mom, two calls and three texts from Santana, Ryder.
What? I don't even have his number.

"Brittany?" I nudge her in the ribs with a foot and she rolls on to her other side. "Brit, did you put Ryder's number in my phone?" 

Brittany emerges from beneath the covers and shoots me a smirk. I tut in response; cheeky bitch.
"I didn't." She sneers, I give her another nudge and shake my head in amusement. "No, really Teegs. I didn't." She grins, propping herself up on her stack of pillows and baring both eyes at me, rubbing at them occasionally.

"Well if you didn't, then who did?" I narrow my eyes slightly and earn another smirk; she's enjoying this a little too much. She must have had something to do with it. "You're the only one who knows my password." I point out. Her eyes widen slightly, and she holds her hands up innocently. 

"I didn't do it. Bible." She says, before sitting up and leaning towards me. "Did he text you?" Her grin widens when I nod and she shuffles along the bed to seat herself beside me. "What did he say?" She nudges me in the ribs with an elbow and I jerk away, blocking my phone-screen from her view and locking it.

"I'm going to take a shower." I tease. When I stand to collect my towels, she pushes me with a foot and I fall to the rug, resulting in fits of cackles from the both of us. "Bitch." I mutter with a smile, shooting her a wink when she narrows her eyes exaggeratively. 


I step on to the tassled bathmat, soothed by the warm water. When I re-enter the bedroom, Brittany is still upon her bed. A coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. No, hang on. That's my phone.
"Brit." I sigh, her eyes dart to me momentarily before settling back on my phone.

"Teegan!" She squeals, before reciting what can only be the text message from Ryder. "'Teegan, wondering if you wanted to catch a movie tonight. Ryder'." She looks up at me once more and widens her eyes. "Three kisses!" She recites. "Second day in Lima and you've already bagged yourself a beau." She smirks, shooting me a wink. I tut in response and gesture for her to hand me my phone. 

"Nobody is my beau." I clarify with furrowed eyebrows, immediately locking my phone and stepping in to Brittany's walk-in wardrobe. I'll have to change that password.

"So why are you going on a date with him?" She sneers from behind the door.

"I'm not."

"Are you sure about that?" She chuckles. Oh no.
My theories are confirmed when I take another look at the text message to see that Brittany has taken it upon herself to respond on my behalf, and she just so happens to have accepted his unwelcome invitation.

"Brittany." I groan, tugging on a pair of acid-wash jeans and a white crop-top. There is no way I'm going out tonight, especially not with Ryder.
"You are so dead." I smirk when I exit the closet, Brittany has clothed herself in her Cheerios uniform and she smirks in my direction as she pulls her hair in to it's signature tight-position at the top of her head. 
When I lunge for her, I am startled as she spins around and locks her arms around my legs, hoisting me over her shoulder and spinning around vigorously. "Stop! Brit!" I squeal, earning giggles from her. My mind begins to fuzz when she finally obeys and sets me down before her, steadying me when I fail to stand upright. We both chuckle as I throw a punch at her shoulder and she jabs me in the ribs in return. Typical Brittany.

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