Chapter Two ~ New Acquaintances

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“Seriously?” Marley wheezes as we near the locker rooms at the end of class. “How can you stand that game?” 
I can’t help but smirk at her expense. I offer her my bottled water as I shake my head in amusement and she accepts it gratefully, swigging a few mouthfuls.
“You’re in my chemistry class, right?” she smiles, having consoled herself following the breathless game of soccer. I nod with a smile, I am so relieved to share so many classes with Marley. I hate to feel excluded, especially in a room full of people. 
She nods in approval and we step back in to the locker rooms, swiping a towel from the rack and heading for the shower blocks.
My buzz from the game wares off as soon as the cool water strikes my skin. With my hair still up in it’s position at the top of my head, it does not get wet. Marley offers me her shower-gel and I gratefully accept, refreshed by the sweet apple scent.

 “So, how long have you and Jake been together?” I ask as I wrap the towel around my torso and allow it to fall to my knees. Her lips curl in to a shy smile and I smirk at her sweet expression.

 “Almost seven months now.” She grins, I match instinctively and dab at my beaded skin with the towel. I’d slipped my underwear and bra back on whilst in the shower cubicle, so I pull my dress over my head and step in to my converse. I accept a hairbrush from an expectantly-prepared Marley before tugging on my beanie. 
“How do you manage to look good, even after a sweaty game of soccer?” she chuckles, I mimic and shrug with one shoulder.

 “I don’t.” I reply with a smile, pulling my backpack over my shoulders and following a nodding Marley as we make our way towards the cafeteria.


 “Hey.” Marley coos as we step over to the lunch ladies. I swipe a tray before turning momentarily to witness a tall male plant a kiss on her cheek. I can only assume that this must be the famous Jake. 
“This is Teegan.” Marley beams, and I turn to meet his kind smile.

 “Hi, I’m Jake.” he grins.

 “Teegan. Nice to meet you.” I nod with a smile, he reciprocates as a spoonful of tater-tots are placed on my plate and I award the lunch lady with a grateful smile. 

 “Teegs!” Brittany calls from across the hall. I chuckle as she wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes me lightly.

 “Hey, Brit.” I grin as I follow Marley to the table nearest the window. Jake is already seated along with a group of three others. 
“This is Teegan, guys.” Brittany beams as she seats herself beside me. “Teegs, this is Artie, Tina and Blaine.”
I exchange greetings and smiles with each member of the group and tuck in to my lunch. I finish quickly because Brittany repeatedly picks at my salad and swipes my fries.

 “Brit!” I chuckle, giving her a nudge in the ribs. “Not cool.” She smirks in response and swipes another fry with a wink, I can’t help but mimic her amused expression as she reaches for my soda.

 “How do you two know each other?” Tina asks with a smile, referring to Brittany and I. Brittany’s eyes widen excitedly and she sets the soda back down on my tray.

“She’s little Lopez!” she beams, throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in to her embrace as she hugs me sideways. I chuckle and squirm under her sisterly grip; this is similar to the sort of thing Santana would do.
The atmosphere within the group enthuses all of a sudden, and I am bombarded with questions regarding Santana and I; our childhood, our relationship. I suppose she’d never mentioned me during her time here, that or she never gave many details.

“So, you’ve been living in New York?” Artie asks about a half hour in to my story time. I nod with a smile and sip at my soda. Brittany batts her eyelashes and I sigh sarcastically before handing it to her. She matches my smirk as she swigs the remainder of it in a few mouthfuls.
She jerks away slightly as my phone shuffles in my backpack, which is wedged between us. I chuckle in to her shoulder as I lean to retrieve it, grinning immediately when I recognise the Caller ID.

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