t h i r t y t h r e e

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Amara POV

I reached out, ready to burn the dark  haired man in his own skin, make him hurt like I hurt.

But a body crashed into mine.

I was tackled to the floor, pinned under Peter.

My heart pounded in my chest.
"Let me go, Peter."
He shook his head, biting his lip. His eyes were dark with emotion.

I heard a low chuckling coming from the man on the floor.
"Poor little Mara.... you see, little Peter is my son. And he's not going to let you burn his daddy to a crisp."

My eyes searched Peter's.
The man was lying, he had to be lying.
Peter loved me...
the man was a liar.

But I saw the truth painted over Peter's pained expression.
"He's all I have left Amara. I can't let you kill him."

My heart began to ache, than burn.
"No. No no no no. Y-you... no..." I choked, tears filling my eyes.

"I trusted you." I whispered, my voice breaking.

He looked away.
"I trusted you!" I repeated, louder.
"This is why I do let people in! Because they are all liars! You're a fcking liar!"

My hands began to crackle with green light, the tears from my face hitting the floor.

"I hate you!"
My body exploded in tongues of power, and Peter fell off me with a cry of pain.

The dark haired man backed away, his hands raised.
"Come come, little girl..."

I reached towards him and let a blast of green light hit him in the chest.
The man fell to the ground with a thump.

Only then did I notice the scientist was gone.
I had to move.
I had to get the dogs out of here, I had to get Chelsie out of here.

The power vanished from my body, leaving my every muscle aching.
I stumbled into the hallway, taking off running.
At last I saw one of those special cars.

I jumped in, typing in my location.
It took off down the halls at breakneck speed, everything around me a blur.
I let the tears fall.
I had loved him.
I had trusted him.
I was so close to giving in, so close to taking him into my arms and declaring him mine, and the whole time it had been an act.

I pulled out a knife, leaping out of the vehicle as it slowed.
My feet pounded on the concrete floor, and I quickly inserted the code to my apartment.

Chelsie was inside, calmly cutting oranges.

"We have to go."

She looked up at me with a small smile. "You're back! What did you say?"

I grabbed her arm. "We have to go. Liberty for the Bounded... they're evil. They have been all along. We have to go!"

Chelsie's eyes softened. "Poor Amara... you traitor!"

A fist collided with the side of my head.


Peter POV


Every movement I made only worsened the pain.
I crawled over to my father, pressing my ear against his chest.
His heart was beating.

I fell back to the hard ground, panting.
They told me she was super smart, that we had to protect her.
They told me that she would be smart enough to figure out how to shut down the machine, that she could be the answer to everything.
They told me no harm would come to her... that we were saving her.

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