Chapter 12

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Eliza's POV
Eliza was laying in the hospital bed on her phone

For once she was smiling

Adrienne said her treatment was going very well and that they probably can take the cancer off of her blood

Eliza's hair was falling everywhere and was getting smaller and smaller but for once she didn't care cause she thought everything was going to be over soon and she could go home back to her Alex and her family

While she was thinking of this Alex got into her room, she quickly smiled

"Alex" Eliza said excited as Alex looked at her with a sad face

Eliza was confused instantly, what could have happened with him he looked so sad

"What happened?" Eliza asked him as he got closer to her tears about to form in his eyes

"I'm so sorry Eliza" he said breaking down, tears spilling out of his eyes "I-I was so stupid"

"Lexi what happened?" Eliza asked him as she cried, she always cried when he did

"I-I did something really bad Eliza" Alex said crying more and more

"B-But what did you do?" Eliza said with fear, what thing could he have done that was that bad

"Eliza I-I cheated on you" Alex said as Eliza stared blankly at him, she couldn't believe it "it was a mistake and I regret it every day, I don't even like her but I felt so lonely"

Eliza was speechless how could he have done something like this to her, while she was on the hospital thinking about how she would be back to him in a few months

"H-How could you?" Eliza said tears coming out of her eyes non-stop

"Eliza I-" Alex started but Eliza cut him off

"you don't have the right to call me that anymore" Eliza said "from now on you'll call me Elizabeth"

Alex stared blankly at her, he knew he had messed up big time "Elizabeth look I didn't come here to ask for forgiveness I know that what I did was horrible and that I don't deserve you, so if you want you can just break up with me, I know I deserve it" Alex said crying more

Eliza didn't want to break up with him, she knew what he did to her was wrong but she still loved him and she couldn't leave him that fast

"I don't want to break up with you" Eliza said as Alex looked at her with a shocked face "but maybe it would be better if we take a break from each other, I need time to think about all of this" Eliza said

"E-Elizabeth you're an actual angel I truly don't deserve you" Alex said

A few minutes later he left the room

Adrienne's POV
Adrienne just heard everything, she was going into the room when Alex told Eliza he was cheating on her

Adrienne was shocked

After Alex left he saw Adrienne at the door, sighed and got to her

"You heard everything didn't you?" Alex asked Adrienne as she nodded "just keep me updated about how she's doing please, I have go know" Alex said as Adrienne nodded once again

"I will" Adrienne said as Alex left the hospital with his head down

Adrienne quickly got into the room and there was Eliza crying like a crazy person, Adrienne was quick to go to the side of her bed, Eliza looked at her with tearful eyes

"I heard everything I'm so sorry Eliza" Adrienne said hugging her as she cried more

"I just can't believe he did something like this" Eliza said

"Don't worry boys can be really stupid sometimes you'll be fine I promise" She said hugging Eliza once again as she cried more...
Word count- 649 words
Hey guyssss, I'm sorry this story's becoming so sad but don't worry it will get better later- clamijo

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