chapter 4

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Eliza's POV
Eliza was home alone, again...

This had become normal to her, just her and her thoughts alone...

Alex had been working a lot more than normal, he asked for extra hours due to the price of the chemotherapy

Eliza knew chemotherapy was expensive but it was way more than what she thought it was

The price for it in general was over $540,000 (this is actualy the real price for chemotherapy of leukemia)

When she thought about this she started crying, Alex was taking his time just to work to get money for her, he was working like there was no tomorrow because of her, he was stressed because of her, it was all her fault

She almost didn't see Alex, he usually got home when she already asleep and left when she woke up

She missed him...

She started crying, again, like she did almost everyday, she blamed herself for having this disease of hers, for not seeing Alex

The door opened quietly,

Eliza looked over the door to see the one and only Alexander Hamilton with a smile on his face that quickly faded away by seeing her cry

He quickly ran to her

"Are you okay Betsey, are you feeling well?" He asked wiping out the tears on her face

Eliza nodded with her head

"Then why are you crying princess?" Alex asked making a sad face

"I-I just think that this is all my fault" Eliza said "you've been working so hard because of me, it's all my fault Alex I didn't stay healthy"

"No, no it's not Liza, I already told you this" Alex said as Eliza cried more and more

"Then why do I feel like it is?, Alex if I had took care of myself I probably wouldn't be like I am"

"Liza leukemia is a cancer on the blood it has nothing to do with staying healthy or not" Alex said almost as a whisper

Eliza frowned "why are you home at this hour?"

"I left earlier, I wanted to be with you at least for a little bit" Alex said "I know you've been alone here, so I thought I would make dinner for you while you rest, just like the old times"

Eliza smiled at him "thanks Alex, it's really important to me"

"Hey it's my duty, after all you're my girlfriend" Alex said "I'm sorry I've not been around, I love you so much Liza"

"You don't have to apologize, I'm the one that has to apologize, I feel like you've been working so hard for me, I don't deserve you" Eliza said crying

"Don't apologize princess, of course you deserve me I'm the one that doesn't deserve you really" Alex said once again wiping the tears off of her face

Eliza hugged him as fast as she could at that moment, right now she just needed him, needed his comfort, his kisses, everything about him

Alex hugged her back kissing her hair

"I love you so much" Alex whispered to her ear as she cried

"M-Me too" Eliza said

"We're going to get through this I promise" Alex said kissing her forehead

"I know we are..."
Word count- 533 words
It's been a while I'm so sorry I'm going to start writing more often I promise- clamijo

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