Why didn't you tell me

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It was the middle of the night when Mew heard loud moaning next to him.
Rubbing his eyes lightly as he sat up from bed turning towards where the sound was coming from.
"Gulf, hey are you ok?" Mew whispered as he walked towards Gulf who was shivering in his sleep.
As Mew gently places his hand on Gulf's forehead,he panicked.
The younger was so hot! Carefully Mew grabs Gulf's shoulders and begins to gently shake the younger to wake him up
"Gulf!Gulf!Wake up"
"Please Gulf, you can't do this to me"
"Wake up"
"Please Wake up"
After no-response for 5 minutes,Mew was Alarmed but didn't know what to do
After carefully accessing the situation,Mew took out his phone and began to call 191 to inform them of the situation.
When Mew finished the call, he quickly went into the kitchen and filled up a tub with cold water and a towel.
As soon as he placed the towel on Gulf's head,Gulf began to moan in his sleep.
Worried,Mew gently began stroking his fingers through Gulf's hair
This seemed to calm him down.

A few minutes later,the paramedics entered through the door and promptly place Gulf into the ambulance.
One paramedic turned and ushered Mew to follow as they would need the patients information for admission.
Throughout the entire journey,Mew eyes never left Gulf's beautiful facial features that were so pale as a look of worry claimed his face while he wonders why he didn't notice it before.
After entering the Hospital,Gulf has quickly taken to the Emergency department where the Doctors quickly began running some tests in order to figure out the problem.
After quickly diagnosing the problem as a high fever due to stress and malnutrition,the Doctor turned to Mew
"We've attached an IV to supply the missing vitamins to the patient"
"He was very lucky,this could have gotten more serious without your help but once the IV runs out and he wakes up you can take him home" hearing this a flood of relief came over Mew.
"I've prepared a prescription for the patient once he goes home,make sure he takes the medicine ever 4 to 5 hours and has ample rest."
"Thank you for helping him"Mew replied to Doctor and went over to Gulf who was moved into the general ward.

An hour later, Gulf awoke to sound of Mew snoring quietly at his bedside and proceeded to run his hands through his boyfriend hair silently apologising for all the trouble and worry he put his Mew through.Whilst Gulf was tracing over Mew's facial features, his boyfriend began to stir. Softly Gulf placed his hands over Mew's shoulders inciting his to wake up.
"Mew,come on"
"Wake up, Let's go home"
Almost on cue to Gulf's words, Mew wakes up and looks up into Gulfs eyes whilst placing his hand on his boyfriend's forehead
"You still have a fever,let's stay here a bit longer"Mew states
"I feel better now"
"Can we please go home now"Gulf pouts and shows off his puppy eyes fully knowing Mew can't resist them
"Fine, I'll take you home but only after you answer my questions!"
Gulf looks up guiltily fully knowing what Mew is going to ask. He nods his head in approval.
"Ok, first question!When did you start to feel ill" Mew asks
"It was the beginning of my first lesson today but it wasn't that bad" Gulf replies
"I hadn't eaten the night before nor did I sleep as I needed to study"
"But then I got the worst headache during Lunchtime and I still didn't eat as needed to finish an assignment with Singto."
"Second question, Why didn't you tell me" Mew looks up at Gulf
"Because you looked tired and I decided it was just better to leave you alone"
"I know how hard you have worked this week with your new job and your assignments. I didn't want to bother you if it wasn't necessary"
"Are you kidding me" mew asks back in disbelief
"You mean the world to me, do you how scared I was when you wouldn't wake up?"
"I thought my world had coming crashing down" Mew looks towards Gulf with tears in his eyes
Gulf slowly brought his boyfriend towards his chest hugging him as Mew tucked his head in the nook of his neck tears streaming down his face.
"I'm so sorry. I honestly thought it would be better"Gulf was in tears too.
"I'm sorry, Mew"
"I'll never do it again, please stop crying"
At that moment Mew brings his upwards and stares into Gulfs eyes
"You promise"
"To always tell me when your sick"
"To always trust me with your secrets"
"To always love me"
Gulf chuckled at the last comment and brought their lips together to seal the promise.
"I love you Mew"
"I've always Loved you and will love you forever"
"Me too Gulf"
"I love you too, my world"
They sit there together staring into each other's eyes remembering this moment.
The end.

Authors note:
Please tell me what you think and whether or not you would like another part when they get home
I'm open to all criticism
Thank you for reading

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