Chapter 21: Relinquishing the Title

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Magnus and Alexa were in casual clothing, the Posthuman was planning his announcment.

Alexa: Let me do the talking babe.
Magnus: No, I will do it. This is my fight and I plan on finishing it myself. I don't want you to get hurt.
Alexa: Alright if you say so, Bjorny.
Magnus: Alexa... Don't cry... After this I am off to surgery.
Alexa: I will accompany you there, that's a promise.
Magnus: Alright, I have to go.

He missed her cheek and left for the arena.

"At the arena"

The Posthuman was standing on the ring, the crowd was heavily booing him but he didn't care as he spoke.

Magnus: I get, you people wanna boo me because you don't like me?

The crowd chanted "Yes" over and over.

Magnus: I wouldn't blame myself. You see for a superstar it doesn't matter what reactions you are getting, either cheered or booed it doesn't matter as long as you get the people to respond to you with how you behave...

The crowd was silent.

Magnus: I had a fantastic journey here, having held my first title. Having my first title defense yesterday at Elimination Chamber it was great... But I am afraid it all must come to a end.

The crowd chanted "What?"

Magnus:... I have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer in the age of 21 and now it has come back to haunt me...

The crowd was silent but they showed a bit of remorse.

Magnus: You people don't know what is like to be diagnosed with this sickness, what I had to go through...

The crowd was silent.

Magnus: And thus I relinquishing the US title so I can fight this sickness from taking over me... Every single step I climb to the ladder it will be a good one that brings hope... So I would like to thank all of you people who supported me... As I am leaving...

He dropped the title and mic and he walked away from the arena of people who clapped for Magnus' speech.


The Posthuman was met with hugs from superstars and producers alike. He saw his friend Ricochet and the two bro hugged. Then Aleister came in and hugged him too. Then Triple H came too and hugged him.

Hunter: Take care, son.

Then more superstars ranging from Nikki Cross to Braun Strowman and he left them and saw Alexa.

Alexa: Ready to go?
Magnus: Yes, let's go.

The two then left the building.

"At a hospital"

Magnus was laying in a hospital bed with hospital clothes on and Alexa was by his side.

Alexa: It's almost time for surgery you think you can take it babe?
Magnus: I will fight the dark and come back... For you...

She smiled.

Magnus: Alexa... If I make it out... Welcome me back as a new person, okay?
Alexa: Okay.

She got up and before leaving she took a glance at her boyfriend who smile at her and waved back and she left.

"A few minutes later"

Magnus was being taken to the surgery room by a couple of nurses and a dotctor, once they entered they immediatly gave Magnus anastesia, before going to sleep he said his final words in his mind.

Magnus: I will be awoken... As a new person... Alexa... Just wait for me...

He went asleep.

OK guys, this was chapter 21, sorry if I made this a sad chapter but that's how I want it to be.

Peace out!

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