Chapter 14: Royal Rumble

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"At Magnus' locker room"
Alexa: You ready babe?
Magnus: More than ready, Drew won't know what hit him.
Alexa: That's my Bjorn, too bad I won't be on ringside to cheer you on.
Magnus: Hey, it's alright. I can take on McIntyre on my own and we both know that and all I want from you is to win the women's rumble.
Alexa: I will.
She missed him.
Alexa: Go get em tiger.
Magnus purred before going to the arena.
"At the arena"
Both entrances were made and the two long time rivals stood face to face as this is a Last Man Standing. The bell rang and Drew went for a Clothesline but Magnus ducked and did a Sunset Flip on Drew but McIntyre was still standing and did a Double Stomp on the chest of Magnus before grabbing him for a Glasgow Kiss and then tossed him outside the ring and got out and threw the Posthuman to the steel steps and crashing, the Scottish Psychopath was in joy and then went to Magnus and began stomping on him before grabbing him and proceeded to launch him on the barricades but Magnus turned things around and send Drew to the barricades and he hit hard, Magnus then backed off and charged for a Double Knee to the face of McIntyre and the barricade broke.
"Match Highlights"
The two of them traded blows while going through the crowd, Magnus did Thorns Out on Drew and the two broke another barricade and landed on the commentators desk, Magnus put Drew there and decided to go for a Trench Dive and went for it but Drew rolled out and Magnus crashed through the table, Drew then grabbed him and landed a Chop to the chest and then another Glasgow Kiss and then grabbed him and put him on his back and climbed the turnbuckle and was on the post and McIntyre did a Avalanche Celtic Cross on the cold hard floor outside the ring. McIntyre then got up and the referee counted for Magnus to get up and soon he got up on the count of 5 and McIntyre went for a Claymore Kick and Magnus was stumbling to stay still and saw Drew approach him and then tossed him in front of the crowd and went after him.
"End of the match"
McIntyre and Erikson were both brawlling on the stage entrance, Magnus landed a Crash and Burn on Drew but Drew caught him and tossed him on the LDS wall and then grabbed him again and shoved him at the barricade before delivering a Claymore Kick and Magnus was in the ground.
Drew: I am finally going to win Erikson. I can finally get my momentum after being behind your shadow-
Then suddenly a hooded figure with a chair attacked Drew started beating up Drew and smacked him on the back multiple times before throwing the chair away and delivering a Knee Strike to the face and then grabbing him for what it seems to be Murphy's Law and Drew was unconscious. The figure looked at Magnus and removed his hood and it turned out to be Buddy Murphy, the crowd was shocked at this event and so was Magnus. The arena were wondering why would Murphy help Magnus take down McIntyre, Murphy then helped Magnus up and whispered to him.
Murphy: He is all yours... After this you and me will take care of business. He stepped away which meant he is letting him take of McIntyre, Magnus grabbed McIntyre for a Pain Scourge and left him lying on the ground and the ref counted all the way to 10 and the bell rang and Magnus was declared as the winner and the arena booed him, Magnus looked at Murphy who was on the stage and gave Magnus one last look before leaving the arena.
Magnus was walking down backstage and saw Alexa walking towards him.
Alexa: There you are.
Magnus: Alexa, did you see-
Alexa: Yes, that's my ex, Buddy Murphy.
Magnus: He's your ex? But why did he help me take down McIntyre?
Alexa: I know Murphy very well, he likes to settle things with people he doesn't like one on one and he helped you because he doesn't like seeing his enemies fighting with someone they don't like.
Magnus: So that's why he said "After this me and you will take care of business".
Alexa: Look after the Rumble I will give you a full explaination, okay? I have to go now, see you later.
She left and Magnus looked at her leaving.
Murphy: There you are!
Magnus turned to him so they are face to face.
Murphy: You think you can steal my girl huh? Who the bloody hell do you think you are?
Magnus: Her boyfriend, and she told me she doesn't like you anymore.
Murphy: That doesn't matter to me, I will win her again and a scrub like you is standing in my way.
Magnus: A scrub huh? How about next RAW we settle things on that ring?
Murphy: You got yourself a deal Mr Erikson.
He left with a confident smirk and Magnus was pissed off.
"1 hour later"
Alexa was walking backstage. If you are recalling what happened she lost the Rumble because she was third to last be eliminated and the Rumble was won by a returning Tegan Nox from injury.
Alexa: I was this close to winning the big one.
Magnus then walked to her.
Magnus: Hey, hell of a perfomance out there, too bad you didn't won.
Alexa: It's fine, I might get my shot some other time.
Magnus: Before we head for a talk I just went face to face with Murphy again.
Alexa: What did he say?
Magnus: About how he plans on "winning your heart back", over my dead body, you deserve much better Alexa.
Alexa smile at him.
Alexa: Okay lets go and talk about him.
"20 minutes later"
Alexa: And that's how he broke me.
Magnus: Wow... Never seen a bigger douchebag in my entire life.
Alexa: Tell me about it.
Magnus: As long as I am around I ain't letting him touch a single hair and I promised him on RAW we will go head to head and I will destroy him.
Alexa: Thanks.
She kissed him.
Alexa: Your the best.
Magnus smiles before kissing her on the lips softly.

OK guys, next chapter is on Wednesday cause got some Orthdox holidays coming these next few days.
Peace out!

Blissed With Life (Alexa Bliss x OC) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon